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SEO Software Guide: How To Find The Right One For Your SEO Business

SEO Software Guide: How To Find The Right One For Your SEO Business

SEO software can be the most deadly weapon in your arsenal if you run a digital marketing business. So before you sign up for a subscription, make sure that the software has everything you need to run your business processes and that it's compatible with your pre-existing technologies.

So what are the benefits of using an SEO software?

Digital agencies always struggle while offering quality SEO services. It begins with finding clients for your agency. It would help if you had qualified SEO leads that you could nurture, engage and convert to maintain a steady revenue stream.

Businesses need traffic, leads, and sales from the web. SEO can help you with that, but it's not a cakewalk, so you need a robust SEO software program to help you.

SEO Campaign Reports

Later, you will need to monitor your clients' campaigns and ensure they also get qualified leads for their businesses.

So, the best SEO software will address your pain-points and help you manage your workflow.

How to Find the Right SEO Software for Your SEO Business?

An SEO tool is not just a piece of software but the extension of your team through which you can perform repetitive tasks and handle numerous activities in the agency environment.

It makes your teams more productive and efficient. If you are successful in selecting the right tool, your growth is almost assured. So, without further ado, go through this SEO Software Guide and learn how to find the right SEO software for your agency.

1. Identify Your Pain Points

Identifying your pain points before selecting an SEO software is essential. Sometimes, all an agency wants is to automate a process, but most agencies need tools to manage and organize the information received from different channels. Some of the pain points agencies face are as follows:

  • Organizing contact information
  • Measuring campaigns
  • Nurturing leads
  • Conversion
  • Tracking keywords
  • Automate processes

2. Enumerate Your Agency's Workflow

Mapping out your agency's workflow is essential before buying an SEO software tool. Having a fair idea of your business processes and pain-points always helps find the right solutions.

Write down your agency's daily routine, including its activities.

For SEO agencies, these activities can include managing communication, lead generation, following up on leads, tracking campaigns, generating reports, on-page, and off-page SEO, and more.

Once you successfully map your agency's workflow, identify where you need help to minimize the time and effort involved.

Pro Tip: Using DashClicks' white-label platform and fulfillment services, you can do all these things efficiently and even set reminders for your team to do a certain task.

3. Does It Allow You to Conduct Competitor Analysis?

It's essential to dissect your competitors' SEO strategies and using that information, formulate a robust keyword and content strategy to achieve top rankings. It becomes even more crucial given the rise in shady marketing and SEO practices today.

Understanding Your Competitors' Backlink Profile

The right SEO software will also tell you about your competitors' backlink profiles and how their content is faring on different platforms. Your site authority largely depends on your backlinks. So, you can make a long-term plan to reach out to those websites with links pointing to your competitors' websites. It will save you both time and money in building quality backlinks.

4. How Good Is It for Website Auditing?

Website issues are akin to cracks in a new building. The sooner you fix them, the better it is for the website's health. Such in-depth SEO audits give you a host of facts and critical issues in your website. But, if you try to perform these audits manually, it will take ages to complete. Some SEO tools allow you to do audits of multiple websites simultaneously.

Some website issues that an audit can track are:

  • Pages where users and search engines can’t reach, i.e., orphaned pages
  • Missing page titles & meta descriptions
  • Broken links
  • Page depth, i.e., the number of clicks it takes to reach a page from the home page
  • Page server errors

Pro Tip: DashClicks' white label website audit tool, InstaReports, automates this process and generates a user-friendly report based on these issues. These reports provide a complete blueprint of what needs to be done to remove these errors from your website and make it more feasible for search engines to crawl.

5. Does It Allow You to Find High-Converting Keywords for Content Marketing?

The failure and success of a website depends on your ability to find the right keywords. So, in short, it's not easy. Most SEO managers list specific industry terms based on search volume and competition on search engines. The criteria for choosing the keywords is that they should have a high search volume and low competition.

But, it's simply not enough. There are other factors too that should be taken into consideration. You should also differentiate those keywords based on "search intent."

The keywords seeking "free information" aren't the same as the ones used to "buy a product."

So, ensure that your SEO tool provides you with a wide variety of high-converting keywords for content marketing.

Finding New Keyword Opportunities

You may soon hit a wall with your existing keywords and wonder what to do next. A white label SEO software program allows you to discover the existing and new keywords your competitors are ranking for. The SEO tool will also provide related keywords to expand to new markets. Some tools can generate hundreds of keyword ideas instantly.

With numerous relevant keywords, you'll never fall short of keywords for your content, especially blog posts.

6. The Features Your SEO Software Should Have

Here are a few features that your SEO software should have:

A. Lead Generation Tool

Lead generation is tedious, and your white-label SEO software should simplify it. DashClicks' Inbound lead management software streamlines all the lead data and helps you manage all your inbound leads across multiple third-party platforms and distribute them among your sales team for instant follow-ups. The added advantage is that it comes with the deals app that streamlines all your sales activity, making it easy for your team members to collaborate better.

B. SEO Audit Tool

You need to perform an SEO audit to understand your client's problems and get insights into their website's SEO. It's an integral part of SEO services. Doing it manually can be extremely tedious and time-consuming, so it should come with the SEO software you subscribe to. DashClicks, a white label SEO agency, offers a complete SEO audit as part of its white label fulfillment services.

C. Lead Nurturing and Closing Features

As explained above, both the Inbound and Deals apps help you view your leads in the funnel along with all the necessary information and actions pertaining to those. It helps you nurture and close these leads.

D. Customer Relationship Management Feature (CRM)

Without a CRM, you might be losing numerous sales opportunities. When you sign up for DashClicks' white label services, you get access to our Deals app, a sales pipeline management CRM software that considerably simplifies lead and deals management for your sales team.

E. Data Analytics Feature

Without analytics, all that you're doing is just shooting in the dark. That's why your SEO software should have an advanced analytics feature. When you sign up for DashClick's white label platform, you can access our advanced analytics software that tracks and reports on all your marketing campaigns in one place.

DashClicks Analytics App - SEO Reports

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F. Report Builder for Clients

Lastly, reporting is an immense pain for agency owners and their teams. It eats up a lot of productive time and is incredibly repetitive in nature. So, your SEO software should have an automated report builder. DashClicks' InstaReports comes as a relief. It automates report generation by generating professional-grade SEO reports with a single click.

Final Words

Selecting the right SEO software is a crucial decision for an agency. The above tips will help you evaluate your options and choose the most suitable tool for your business. Your SEO software should be compatible with your workflow and meet your business needs. It should also save time and effort and help you deliver the best results to your clients.

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