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SEO Reselling Guide [Updated 2021]

SEO Reselling Guide [Updated 2021]

In today's digital landscape, most web-based services are interwoven. Suppose you are a web designing company and a small business owner comes to you for web designing services. They might also be looking for other web marketing services such as SEO, PPC, video marketing, and social media marketing. In that case, you would want to provide them the additional services because you wouldn't want to lose a valuable client, even if you don't have the core competence in those fields.

You can assign the task to your in-house web designing team and ask them to manage the other projects too. But since they are no experts in those fields, you won't be able to get the desired traffic and Google rankings for your client and land in trouble after a few months.

With the search engine algorithms getting complex day by day, it's become more difficult than ever to get rankings and traffic from SEO efforts. Most digital marketing agencies waste time studying SEO rather than focusing on what they are good at. Thankfully, the modern business ecosystem has a solution to this ā hiring SEO resellers.

This guide discusses everything you need to know about SEO reselling and why you should consider it.

What is an SEO Reseller?

An SEO reseller is a digital agency that specializes in SEO and offers its services as white-label, which any business or client can resell using their branding. They work on an agency's behalf on its clients' SEO projects and generate white-label reports to help their clients understand and evaluate the campaign performance.

What is an SEO Reseller?

An SEO reseller serves as an extension to the services a marketing agency provides to its clients. Typically, the clients don't know about them, as the communication takes place between the client and the agency; the SEO reseller agency does all the work in the background. They work hard to achieve the best results for your client and won't take credit for their job.

They offer everything an agency can expect as part of SEO services such as on-page SEO, keyword research, local SEO, link building, guest posting, and reputation management. They will also give you recommendations to improve traffic and user experience to get the best out of your website.

How to Resell SEO Services?

The process starts with hiring an SEO reselling service, which will act as the third arm of your agency. So, selecting the right partner is crucial to your success. Here is the step-by-step process of reselling SEO services:

Step 1: Select the Right SEO Reseller

You must choose the right SEO reseller program and sign up for it. You can look for these things when deciding:

  • Reviews, references, and testimonials
  • Experience and years in business
  • Number of clients served in your niche
  • Payment terms and structure
  • Customer support and communication quality

Step 2: Share Your Project Requirements

The next step is to share your client's requirements and other specifications with your white label SEO reseller. This process is called onboarding. DashClicks offers built-in software, which can do the onboarding for you and your clients within seconds.

Learn more about our automated client onboarding center here. The software will store all this information and use it when generating reports and running specific campaigns on your behalf.

You should also share your business values and other branding details such as the business name, logo, contact details, slogan, and mission statement.

The project requirements usually include the following:

A. Number of keywords to be targeted each month
B. Any other specific targeting criteria
C. Landing pages to be promoted
D. Top keywords to target
E. Number of backlinks to be made
F. Disavowing toxic links
G. Content creation
H. Website audit
I. Detailed reports
J. Guest posting

Step 3: The SEO Reseller Allocates Resources to the Project

The SEO reseller will allocate resources as per the project's nature and requirements. It will also decide the project's cost based on the number of work hours it will need.

Step 4: Expect Professional-Grade SEO Reports from Your White Label Partner

Your SEO reselling partner will deliver white-label reports for your client under your branding, logo, and business name. The process is entirely automated, so you don't need to perform tedious and time-consuming reporting tasks manually. These are data-driven reports that provide valuable insights to business owners.

Step 5: Share SEO Reports and Insights with Your Client

Finally, you can share the findings with your clients. With these exhaustive reports, you can answer their queries and help your clients understand the campaign. The white-label reports will also help your clients in strategic decision-making.

What Are the Benefits of Using the SEO Reseller Model?

Using the SEO reseller model has many benefits for digital marking agencies. Some of them are:

Benefits of Using the SEO Reseller Model

1. Helps You Scale Business

Running a digital marketing agency has its own challenges. The order fulfillment process is quite complicated. You must either have a competitive team or partner with an SEO reseller agency that can help you scale operations as and when needed.

It provides you the capability to scale your operations without handling the work. So, you can accept enormous projects from big brands and enterprises without worrying about how you'd get the job done. With an SEO reseller service to support you, you can expand your service offerings without the need to build solutions from scratch.

Furthermore, SEO is not a one-time activity; businesses need it regularly. Typically, an SEO project may well last for 6-12 months.

2. Reduces Cost and Boosts Profits

Digital marketing requires several skills, and it's irrational to expect one or two professionals to have all of them. It takes a dedicated team of graphic designers, strategy makers, SEO and PPC professionals, and account managers to achieve the desired results. However, hiring a team of experts can be very expensive.

SEO resellers usually offer discounts/commissions on hiring multiple services, so the more you outsource, the more cost-effective it becomes. To get instant access to the DashClicks platform, click here. To discuss the price and other aspects of our service, get in touch with the DashClicks marketing team.

3. Improves Campaign Performance by Leveraging Expertise

SEO resellers are full-service agencies with experts who understand the client's needs and work accordingly to keep them satisfied. They give you result-oriented SEO services that you'd be happy to brand as your own.

4. Adds Value Through Detailed, Professional White Label Reporting

Hiring SEO reselling services allows you access to detailed white label SEO reports and a white label dashboard that you can send to your clients under your branding. These white-label reports help your clients understand the campaign results and tweak their strategies accordingly, adding more value to your brand.

5. Gives You Access to Paid Tools and Platforms

Not all SEO can be performed manually. For best results, you need insights and data that only paid tools can provide. When you hire an SEO reseller, you can access the most expensive premium tools and platforms. When you run data-driven campaigns, you need to measure the results for different SEO metrics, such as:

  1. Organic traffic
  2. CTR
  3. Bounce rate
  4. Keyword rankings
  5. Domain authority
  6. New backlinks and referring domains
  7. Page speed
  8. Conversions

Access to SEO tools such as AHREFs, SEMRush, UberSuggest, Google Analytics, SpyFu, and MozPro can help measure these metrics effectively. But this software and tools are exorbitantly expensive. For example, SEMRush's business account would cost you around $450 per month. Many startups and small companies can't afford such costly tools. Hence, the need for an SEO reseller comes into the picture.

6. Provides Access to Free Educational Material

DashClicks offers education and training for agency owners and their employees through blogs, webinars, video blogs, Marketers Mindset podcasts, a private Facebook group, and a support center. Our video blog is a storehouse of information; it contains Q/A videos, DashClicks tutorials, customer interviews, and live stream webinars.

DashClicks Video Blog

DashClicks Offers All This Under One Dashboard

DashClicks offers a dashboard to help clients have a bird's eye view of the entire campaign, so you can assess the direction in which the campaign is heading and what it needs to accomplish your business goals.

How to Select the Right SEO Reselling Partner?

Since you assign your client work to your white label SEO service provider, it's crucial to choose the right partner. Here are a few tips for finding an SEO reseller you can trust.

1. Check Testimonials and Previous Reports

Data speaks louder than words. Therefore, check your SEO reselling partner's previous records and testimonials. Check if they offer the services you need and how good they are at delivering them. Apart from Google My Business, you can find such reviews and testimonials at G2, Cuspera, Serchen, and Capterra.

2. Check the Metrics They Use to Assess Performance

The perception of success differs according to the metrics an agency uses to measure its performance. Hence, find out the metrics your white label partner uses to evaluate their SEO work's success. Check their reports or case studies to see if they provide real value.

3. Look for a 360Ā° Agency

It's better to find a full-service digital marketing agency and not just an SEO service provider. Also, ensure that your SEO reseller has experience in the niche you're servicing.

What Services Do SEO Resellers Provide?

They offer a host of SEO-related services such as local SEO, website optimization, link building, and on-page SEO. Even though it largely depends on your SEO reseller’s service model, white label SEO services mainly include the following services:

  1. Website analysis and SEO audits
  2. On-page optimization and fixing metadata
  3. Directory listings and local SEO
  4. Content creation
  5. Link building
  6. White-label dashboard and reporting
  7. Agency consultancy and project management

How to Resell White Label SEO?

Reselling white label SEO is crucial to your agency's growth. It's an art, and it requires good sales and negotiation skills. Here are three tips to resell white label SEO services successfully to your prospects:

1. Do your homework before you approach a prospect. Your clients must be the right fit for your agency, so you don't have to regret your decision a few months later.

2. Arrange and leverage impressive marketing collaterals such as SEO audits, SEO portfolios of past clients, case studies, and pitch decks. This might help: Search engine optimization case studies

SEO Case Studies

3. Empathize and build rapport with your prospects. Offer them value through your services and maintain open and transparent communication.

What ROI to Expect from SEO Reselling?

You can quickly expand your digital marketing offerings leveraging SEO reseller services and boost your ROI. You'll get recurring revenue from active SEO projects, even if technically you are not working on them. Gross profit margin can vary from project to project, but you can expect an estimated profit margin of 20% to 50%. The boost in revenue will be visible across all the devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Growth in ROI with SEO Reselling

What are the Benefits of Tracking Results of SEO Resellers?

With a rapidly changing web ecosystem and algorithms, you can't just rest on your laurels, publish a website, and implement a few SEO tweaks. You need to track results to ensure your efforts are paying off and generating traffic even for the newer products and services. You can easily track campaign results using the white label reports generated by the SEO resellers. These reports include insights and analysis of keyword movement, traffic patterns, sources of traffic, and various crucial SEO metrics.

Why Use White Label SEO Reports?

White-label reports generated by the SEO resellers are data-driven and result-oriented; they help clients track and assess the performance of SEO campaigns. White label SEO reports provide the following insights:

  • Keywords Rankings Reports

They will provide you with a clear picture of your website's rankings with different keywords. The keyword movement on the SERP ranking ladder will help you know which keyword to focus on next.

Keywords Rankings on DashClicks Dashboard
  • Website Traffic

SEO reports will also highlight the traffic patterns and how much traffic is converting on your website. They will also track the percentage of the incoming traffic from the search engines. Real-time tracking helps you know the landing pages that are attracting maximum traffic so that you can emulate their success on other pages too.

Website Analytics on DashClicks Dashboard

Why DashClicks?

DashClicks is a value-driven white label organization that helps agencies scale through its proprietary software. We at DashClicks have tremendous experience as a digital marketing agency. Using this experience, we have created a SaaS platform that offers the best digital marketing software for agencies.

Our services are not limited to providing white label solutions alone. We also offer the expertise of industry stalwarts, who provide consultancy and expert tips to help your agency deliver the best in class services to clients. We provide free education and training to agencies, and we also run an elite coaching program to help agencies give transformational results to their clients. We help you multiply your revenue.

DashClicks - The Right SEO Reselling Partner For You

Free Education & Training

Winning SEO projects and selling related services should not be difficult for a digital marketing company that knows how to market its services. However, if you’re struggling to grow as an agency, we have training programs that can be highly beneficial for you. These resources can be of immense help:

  1. DashClicks Video Blog
  2. Webinars
  3. DashClicks Support
  4. DashClicks YouTube Channel

DashElite Coaching Program for Agencies

DashClicks also offers a DashElite coaching program for agencies. Some of its features​​ are:

  1. One-on-one agency coaching to make sure you’re headed in the right direction
  2. Access to DashClicks’ all premium software tools such as InstaSites and InstaReports
  3. Get a direct chance to work with Chad Kodary CEO of DashClicks
  4. Complete access to all of DashClicks’ courses and training programs
  5. Access to the many valuable resources and tools you can use in your day-to-day operations, such as proposal templates, sales scripts, commission structures, SOPs (standard operating procedures)
  6. VIP invites to DashClicks events
  7. Slack access to your mentors and the entire DashElite tribe. Meet dozens of DashElite members who are all on a mission to grow their agency via group chat.

DashClicks’ Elite Coaching Program is only for marketers who want to take their agency to the next level. Join this program if you’re interested in scaling and becoming an agency that provides valuable, quality, and timely services. The program has a limited number of seats. Schedule a 30-minute free breakthrough session call.

DashElite Program for Agencies


Selling SEO is a profitable business through which you can quickly expand your earning potential even in times as challenging as now. If you don't have any experience, you can contact a prestigious SEO reselling service such as DashClicks and get access to a dedicated team of SEO professionals to undertake your projects. You can sign up here to get instant platform access.

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