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7 Digital Marketing Trends You Can Leverage to Supercharge Your Campaigns in 2022

7 Digital Marketing Trends You Can Leverage to Supercharge Your Campaigns in 2022

You must have researched the latest trends in digital marketing that might be crucial for you. However, the list is quite long, and it is impossible to follow each trend. To make it less overwhelming, we have curated the seven most important digital marketing trends that will ensure your success in 2022 and beyond.

This article also provides you with tips and solutions to leverage those trends. So, you can easily replace hard work with smart work and achieve fantastic results.

Apart from the basic knowledge of online marketing, you also need to know what impacts the industry and how it affects your strategies.

Video marketing, AI, voice search, big data, conversational marketing, and marketing automation are the hottest trends in digital marketing. However, these trends have also become prime concerns for marketers as they lack the tools and strategies required to follow the trends.

Here is the list of seven trends you can leverage to supercharge your digital marketing campaigns in 2022.

1. Video Marketing

Besides being the most engaging, video is globally the most absorbed format of content. The success of TikTok is an indicator of the growing craze for short videos, and there are obvious reasons for that. Due to lack of time, people want to consume a short video with a crisp message rather than a long article. Marketers are savvy, and they understand it.

It's reiterated time and again that people buy swiftly after watching a brand's video.

How to Implement Video Marketing

According to a study by Wyzowl, nearly 85% of people purchase a product after watching its marketing video, thus creating a valid ground for marketers to invest in video marketing. During the pandemic in 2020, 92% of marketers confirmed that video marketing was a crucial element of their online marketing strategy.

How Can Marketers Leverage It?

  • Make a video marketing strategy and tap into the enormous potential and reach of short video sites such as TikTok, Instagram’s “Reels,” and YouTube’s “Shorts.”
  • Create tailored content for each platform
  • Try Live Streaming videos
  • Capture viewers’ ‘short’ attention span through short videos and use crisp messaging to move them down the funnel.
  • Use the ultra-short videos to highlight the key product features
  • Capture micro-moments of customer interaction to boost branding
  • Share sneak peeks to engage customers
  • Create awareness using short videos
  • Create user-generated video content
  • Create tutorials & educational videos
  • Experiment with video advertising
  • Create shoppable videos
  • Organize virtual events

2. Interactive Content

Interactive videos are pretty compelling and engaging. If you haven't used interactive videos yet, it's time to learn how to create and use them to achieve your marketing objectives. In interactive videos, users can interact with video elements and get a more personalized experience, giving them more control over the flow of the video.

Click here to interact with a Honda Civic interactive video.

You can interact with such videos using different elements, such as drags, clicks, hover, keystrokes, and buttons.

Interactive Videos Boost Engagement

Linear videos have been known for their engaging experience and educational use worldwide. People love them because videos are suitable for retention and memory. Interactive videos make it even more immersive.

They entice the users to react and be a part of the flow. ¨77% of marketers believe that interactive videos dramatically increase people's attention span and are very good for engagement.

Interactive videos are also linked with a high conversion rate of 12%.

Here is how you can use interactive videos.

  • Use branched story-type content that uses the power of storytelling but allows the viewer to choose their narrative. So, instead of linearly and passively watching a video, the viewer answers questions at decision points so they can accordingly navigate to the following clips. In that case, the viewers may choose to watch the most relevant content. It works like a video game, where you need to create multiple plots, and the user can choose the story he wants to visit.  
  • You can create clickable points in a video known as hotspots. The user can choose a hotspot to get further information on it. Such types of interactive videos are highly effective in conversion.
  • Create 360-degree videos with a multi-dimensional perspective of a place or product. These videos are pretty immersive and offer a very close experience to virtual reality. Here also, you can select the hotspots.
  • You can conduct interactive video quizzes that provide an incredibly immersive experience. The user is asked multiple-choice questions. After they choose an answer, they are presented with the correct answer. It is widely used in online education.

3. Big Data and Deep Learning

Data science will continue to grow, and businesses will use big data in almost every industry. According to Statista, the global volume of big data will swell to 180 zettabytes by 2025. It will acquire a projected value of $103 billion by 2027, equal to around half of the turnover of the entire software industry.

Digital Marketing Data

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So, it would be impossible to ignore big data in the future. The most extensive use of big data in digital marketing would be in advanced ad targeting methods for enhanced customer experience and acquisition. Businesses will also use big data to implement affordable KYC processes and deploy BI and Web Analytics tools.

4. Voice Search

With the advent of mobile phones and the development of voice-to-text technology, AI voice search has become commonplace. It has compelled companies to adapt their online marketing strategy accordingly. Voice search has transformed many things, including the keywords and search strengths used in text-based searches. So to rank in the top 30 days, you need to work on the entirely different keywords and phrases people use during voice search.

Nearly 60% of users search for local businesses using voice search, whereas 40% of the adult population use voice search almost every day. The monthly volume of voice searches is 1 billion. Google Assistant, which operates on AI and voice search technology, performs nearly 1 billion actions. Its success depends on how it responds to those voice commands and queries.

Tips to Optimize for Voice Search

With the proliferation of audio content and voice searches, more and more businesses will leverage them to create brand awareness. Voice-based ads will also be played along with the answers to users' queries, just like the radio ads. Most of the voice searches use "trigger words" such as "what," how," "top," "best," and "easy."

Trigger Words

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For an enhanced brand experience, marketers should tweak their strategies to accommodate voice search.

5. AI-Powered Optimization

If there is something impacting content creation, chatbots, and search engines, in a big way, it's artificial intelligence or AI. In a PWC survey, 52% of US-based companies rapidly adopt AI.

AI-based content creation software Jasper can generate original and creative content. It can create SEO-based blog posts, social media, and web pages.

Artificial Intelligence Statistics

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You can also use AI to analyze customer behavior and search patterns. The tool can also be used for social media monitoring and to gain insights into the customer experience.

Google is a global leader that uses AI as a core element in its value proposition. Google uses AI to match its search results with users' search intent. And they do it with high precision to offer an excellent customer experience.

For example, searching Google with "olive oil" as a keyword will display diversified results. The first kind of results will include the health benefits of olive oil, whereas the second category of results will be the E-Commerce related results. The term "olive oil" doesn't give you any hint about the search intent. However, adding "buy" before it as a prefix flashes only the E-Commerce results to help the customer buy the product.

All your time and effort employed in keyword optimization to win traffic and ranking will go down the drain if you get the search intent wrong.

You can use a tool like ClickFlow, which fetches data from current top-ranking pages in your niche and helps your content team create the best-optimized content.

You can use AI to search for the relevant subtopics and keywords. It will make your article comprehensive, addressing the needs and concerns of a big chunk of your audience and raising its chances to rank among the top search results. AI will provide you with everything you should do to optimize your article and help it rank higher on SERPs. So, you will get insights into the required word count and overall optimization grade of your content.

6. Conversational Marketing

Imagine entering a store where nobody is at the counter and nobody to assist you. You'll get impatient soon and probably decide to walk out of the store. Conversational marketing is all about assisting website visitors in their purchase journey.

Chatbots are created for this purpose. They are intended to help the visitor and capture their contact details. Furthermore, chatbots enhance the user experience rather than decreasing it through annoying pop-ups and opt-in forms. 82% of the customers want an "immediate" response when they need some information.

Chatbots come in handy when brands need to immediately respond to customer queries. They trigger conversion. The instant personal connection can change the game and boost your sales.

Define Conversational Marketing

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Conversational marketing is available across multiple channels now. When you plan to meet customers on their terms, they find it least intrusive and more acceptable. It means conversational marketing allows you to interact with them on their devices, time-slots, and platforms, and it suits them the best.

David Cancel, founder, and CEO of Drift, shared crucial insights about modern-day consumers. He said that customers expect the items they need immediately, not later. If you want to succeed in your digital marketing campaigns, be available across several channels and adapt your communications according to how they like.

The ultimate aim of conversational marketing is to be available when the customer approaches you and improve the user experience. It's supported by a feedback-driven environment aimed at enhancing user experience. The result is high engagement and customer loyalty.

Here are some tools you can use to implement conversational marketing.

  • Chatbots: AI-based software applications enable language processing and help you understand what a human wants.
  • Personalized videos: A customized video message aimed to make you feel special. They are used to boost landing page sign-ups, increase email conversions, promote events, improve customer satisfaction, etc.
  • Personalized emails: It uses subscribers’ data to provide relevant offers and ensure a warm customer experience.
  • Virtual selling assistants: Virtual selling assistants use Artificial Intelligence to increase the quality of the pipeline to close it faster. They are intended to engage every potential website visitor through human-like conversation

7. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is sweeping the digital marketing industry, and it's one of the significant trends in 2022. With increasing data size and complexity around marketing processes, it has become crucial to streamline them to make them smoother, faster, and more effective. Marketing automation is aimed at streamlining marketing processes. Automation helps marketers in lead collection and lead nurturing, which are two significant challenges for marketers.

What is Marketing Automation

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Traffic doesn't translate easily into leads unless we use different CRM and lead nurturing tools. It requires software that can capture leads 24x7 and nurture them stage by stage in the marketing funnel. Only this way can you achieve a qualitative and impressive conversion rate.

Tips for Implementing Marketing Automation

Here are some of the most potent and effective marketing automation tools you can use to efficiently streamline your marketing processes and manage your campaigns.

  • Leverage the DashClicks ecosystem and experience next-level marketing and automation softwares to help them quickly propel their business forward.
  • Generate more revenue for your agency and create a truly transformational impact on the businesses your clients serve through white-label fulfillment services.
  • Reporting can be a pain for the agencies. Create in-depth performance reports in seconds to help close deals faster through the InstaReports app.
  • Leverage the power of automation when managing leads and deals within your sales pipelines with the help of the Deals app.
  • Leverage technology and create a custom website in seconds from hundreds of niche-based templates using the InstaSites app and save your time and effort.  
  • Tracking Analytics is no more a headache now. Monitor and report on all of your marketing campaigns in one place with the Analytics marketing report app.
  • Projects, the project management app helps you manage your projects, teams, customers, and more.

Final thoughts

These are the seven crucial digital marketing trends you can't ignore in 2022. If you sincerely follow these trends, you can change the game as an agency. Change is the only constant in life, and According to JF Kennedy, "those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."

As an agency, you should be ready to embrace these future trends in digital marketing, adopt new technologies, and implement new strategies to survive and stay competitive. 

To ride the automation trend, sign up for these marketing automation tools for free.

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