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6 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog That Generates Under 1,000 Visitors per Day

6 Powerful Ways to Monetize a Blog That Generates Under 1,000 Visitors per Day

Can you earn money from blogging?

If your blog generates over 10,000 unique visitors every day, it is easy to earn a real stream of revenue from it.

However, if your blog generates fewer than 1000 visitors a day, then earning money through it can become more of a challenge.

Beginner bloggers give up way too early because they are not able to monetize their blog.

The truth is that you can't compare your chapter 1 with someone else's chapter 30. It takes time to build a blog that will generate revenue.

All you need is dedication, perseverance, and the right practices to make your blog profitable.

If your blog generates under 1000 visitors per day and you want to know how to monetize it, read on to know the different ways you can do that!

1. Create & Sell An Online Course

Online courses focus on a particular topic or subject. People perceive courses as something that offer more value than blog posts.

One of the best ways to monetize a blog that gets under 1000 visitors per day is to create and sell online courses. You don't require a lot of customers or leads to earn money from the first few online course you create. Just begin from where you are and scale from there.

Let's suppose your blog gets at least 60 visitors a day. Check out what those visitors want and craft a course accordingly. Even if your first course is not amazing, it is okay. You can always improve.

Takeaway: Creating an online course is an amazing way to upgrade your career in blogging. It allows you to offer the best content in an exclusive manner.

Today, there are plenty of platforms that help create and sell an online course. Websites such as Teachable, Course Merchant, and Udemy have become incredibly popular among aspiring bloggers and course professionals.

If you sell on Udemy, you can use social media and your blog to promote your course. You can even create and sell the course on your own blog.

Tip: You don't have to create a course on a complex topic. Just figure out the topic you know people are struggling with and create an online course on it.

Another thing you can do to create your online course is visit your best blog posts, make some tweaks to it, and share an updated version of it in the form of an online course.

The Conversion Process

In the end, ensure that your online course is unique, helpful, and engaging for your viewers.

2. Become an In-Demand Freelance Writer

A freelance writer is an individual who writes on different topics for emails, landing pages, websites, etc. If you are a blogger, then you already have what it takes to become an in-demand freelance writer.

Today, both B2C and B2B companies are recognizing content as the best-suited tool to acquire leads and nurture a loyal audience. As a result, a majority of businesses are always on the lookout for skilled freelance writers. Hence, taking this route holds the potential to transform your financial life. As per the latest statistics, 65% of freelancers earn more from freelancing than what they did in a full-time job.

Even though so many freelance writers are out there, it is hard to find the ones who have social media, SEO, and persuasive skills. If you learn these skills and add them to your writing roster, it will definitely work in your favor.

6 Steps to Become a Freelancer Writer

Tip: As a first step, market your freelance writing services via guest blogging on high-traffic blogs, social media marketing, consistent in-house blogging, and Facebook ads. If your clients find your work satisfactory, they will recommend you to more people.

3. Launch a Virtual Summit

Another way to monetize your blog is through a virtual summit. A lot of bloggers use this popular way to connect and build relationships with influencers.

Influencers bring you engagement, reach, and credibility.

Generally, a virtual summit is a video interview of 20 or more experts on a particular topic, which viewers opt-in to see. They are usually unchargeable for a specific time period, such as 1 to 3 days, and then subscribers may choose to buy an all-access pass for unlimited viewing.

Today, many bloggers have built their brands and income with the help of virtual summits. Many marketers and bloggers are easily making a six-figure income from virtual summits alone. What's more, virtual summits also help you become a go-to expert in your field.

Now, you may wonder how to succeed at a virtual summit launch? By making it a win-win for the experts! Select a topic that will inspire individuals to action, and ensure you have a product to sell at the backend.

4. Sell Coaching & Consulting Services

We all know that you can build an audience by consistently posting valuable content on your blog. This way, you educate with the help of content. But how about taking things up a notch and providing one-on-one coaching sessions?

A coach helps people face their challenges, achieve their goals, and provide timely feedback. Becoming a coach or a consultant is one of the quickest ways to generate money from your blog. This is because people are always looking for ways to learn, improve, and attain their goals. Plus, they are willing to pay for it.

Irrespective of when you started your blog, you can offer coaching services. Online coaching has become more popular after COVID-19 and has increased by 57%.

If you decide to sell coaching or consulting services, follow these steps:

  • Do competitive research and check what other coaches in your industry are doing.
  • Identify your potential customers and their problems. See how you can solve them.
  • Ascertain what sets you apart from your competitors.
  • Create a page on your blog dedicated to your coaching or consulting services.
  • Use this page for advertising your services.
  • Promote your services via social media channels that your prospects and potential clients actively visit.
  • Create valuable content on your blog around the topics related to your prospects.

Tip: When you coach, you need to have an entrepreneur's mindset. Yes, we know that it will be hard to get your first client, but all the effort will seem worth it in the end.

Listen Up: If you start a coaching program that helps people propel their business forward, we know a way you can supercharge it! Simply leverage the DashClicks' business coaching solutions in your core coaching offerings. The easy-to-use, comprehensive platform allows your viewers to experience next-gen automation software and top-notch marketing solutions. It will help make their business goals a reality.

5. Create & Sell eBooks

You can always think about creating and selling eBooks to monetize your blog. There are many self-publishing platforms that you can use to publish your eBook. Amazon is one major retailer you shouldn't miss.

If you want to use this way to monetize your blog, then now is a great time to get started! Simply create eBooks and sell them on Amazon. Also, ensure you follow these steps:

  1. Use your blog to pre-sell titles, create blog posts for promoting your eBooks, and redirect your blog readers to your kindle bookstore.
  2. You can provide free copies or discounts in exchange for honest reviews as well. Having good reviews increases your book rankings as well as sales.

Listen Up: Blogging can help you turn your book into a bestseller. This is because you already have a reader base you can promote your book to.

6. Create a Marketing Funnel & Recommend Products

When individuals join your emailing list, do the following:

A. Follow up

Follow up on your prospects to convert them into buyers and generate sales. With the help of follow-up emails, you can reach out to motivated buyers, connect with them, and sell at the backend.

Note: Ensure you don't give up after just the first follow-up. Oftentimes, a number of follow-ups are necessary to generate sales.

B. Relationship building

When you generate awareness about your primary business, a relationship with your prospects begins. You then move them through a marketing funnel, while providing value with the help of content creation at every stage. The funnel further helps you build that relationship with your prospects. The purpose of the funnel is to attract viewers, transform them into leads, make them your customers, and delight them after they buy your product.

The Marketing Funnel

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When your prospects move along the funnel, ensure you nurture them with content such as infographics, videos, eBooks, blog posts, etc. Whenever you think they trust you enough to purchase from you, recommend affiliate programs and products, software, and any other product that should be shared with them.


A lot of beginner bloggers are not able to generate an income from their blogging efforts, because they think blogging alone is sufficient to make money.

But, so many successful bloggers generate a significant portion of their income by promoting and selling other services and products through their blogs.

To monetize a blog that generates under 1000 visitors a day, ensure you implement at least one of the methods discussed above and start working on it. If one approach doesn't work, you can always try another.

In case you find yourself unable to compete with others in your industry, don't worry. You can think about switching to some other industry where you are sure of becoming an expert. Then, start building links, drive organic traffic, and promote your services and products to your blog readers.

So, now that you know how to monetize a blog, which one of these ways are you going to try? Do let us know in the comments!

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