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13 Critical Google Ads Metrics Agencies Should Monitor Daily

13 Critical Google Ads Metrics Agencies Should Monitor Daily

Google Ads is a powerful platform as 73% of the paid search market share belongs to Google. And there are obvious reasons for that. According to Emarketer, 35% of users purchase a product within five days of searching for it on Google.

That's the reason every business wants to leverage Google Ads for their products and services. It's full of metrics and data points, which can sometimes baffle agencies.

What Are Google Ads Metrics?

Google Ads metrics cover everything, ranging from impressions to conversions and everything that comes in between. Google uses hundreds of metrics and dimensions that can be overwhelming for marketers.

The most popular metrics for improving ROI and optimizing the campaign are CPAs, CPCs, and Quality Score. Each metric has a specific purpose.

Important Google Ads Metrics

Different metrics are used for various purposes. Sometimes, you need the metrics to persuade your agency and the client to increase their Google ad budget. These metrics are "Impression Share" and "Budget Limits."

What Is Impression Share?

According to Google, Impression Share (IS) is the percentage of impressions your ads receive against the total number of impressions your ads could likely get.

Impression Share Formula

Here are the three categories of the most critical Google Ads metrics:

  1. Metrics that Measure Ad and Campaign Quality
  2. Metrics that Measure Engagement & Conversion Rates
  3. Metrics that Measure Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) & Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Google Campaign & Ad Quality Metrics

It's a tricky metric as Google keeps the algorithms that measure ad quality at the back-end under wraps. Measuring ad quality and keyword relevance is crucial as it influences your ad position and helps you determine the ad spend needed to achieve your sales goals.

Google tracks the following three factors to determine the ad quality:

  1. Click-through rates
  2. Landing page experience
  3. Ad relevance to the keyword

The higher your score on these factors, the better your quality score.

What makes this metric even more important is the fact that it impacts your cost-per-click (CPC). It also indicates the keyword relevance. Your ad quality score should be higher if you need a high ad position and a lower CPC.

Quality Score Affects Your CPC

Image Source

The Reasons for a Lower CTR

A low CTR can be a red flag for many reasons. Here are two significant reasons for that.

A. Lack of Keyword Relevance

A low CTR indicates that your chosen keywords aren't relevant to the searcher's intent. So, the ad doesn't offer what the users are looking for.

B. Poor Google Ad Copy

A lower CTR also reflects that ad copy may not be compelling enough to attract visitors' attention. In that case, you should use an engaging ad copy. You should consider the user behavior, psychographics, and pain points to create a compelling ad copy.

Reason for a High Bounce Rate

Another valuable metric you should monitor is the landing page bounce rate, which indicates that the fault lies in your landing page content and not in your ad copy or keywords chosen.

A high bounce rate means the visitors are not finding what they are looking for on the landing page. The possible issues can be with page design, copy, and CTAs.

How Do You Measure Campaign or Ad Quality?

As an agency, you should track these 13 most important Google Ads metrics daily to make your ad campaigns more effective.

1. Impressions

Impression reflects the number of times your ad appears in front of your audience.

2. Clicks by Campaign

It's almost the same as Total Clicks but split by each campaign, allowing you to check your performance on priority ad campaigns.

3. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

The revenue you generate for every dollar that you spend on Google Ads on behalf of your client.

4. Total Clicks

The number of clicks your client's ads attracts during your campaigns.

5. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

It's usually measured as the percentage of visitors who clicked on an ad out of the total number of visitors.

6. Cost per Click (CPC)

The cost you pay for each time a user clicks on your client's ad.

7. Cost

The total sum you spend on behalf of your clients for Google paid campaigns.

8. Conversions

The number of website visitors who completed the campaign's desired action on your client's website after they landed up on it after clicking on an ad.

9. Bounce Rate

The ratio of sessions (usually a percentage) leaving the landing page without taking any desired action.

10. Conversion Rate

It indicates the percentage of website visitors who completed a desired action on the landing page after clicking on it.

11. Average Cost-Per-Conversion (CPA)

A business's average cost for each conversion through paid ads.

12. Quality Score

It reflects Google's quality rating of the ad, keyword, and landing page, which helps users optimize their ad for the best performance. It involves cost per click and position in the paid results on SERPs.

13. Average Session Duration

Used both in organic and paid search, average session duration tells you how much time visitors spend on your landing page/website.

How to Access Google Ad Metrics?

You can access most Google Ads metrics in one central location at the DashClicks white label dashboard. Sign up for the DashClicks platform for free and try our analytics platform.

Google Ads Metrics for Google Ads Executives

To get an overview of your campaign and see where the campaign is heading, you can track the following metrics.

  1. Total spend
  2. Revenue
  3. ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend)
  4. Clicks
  5. Conversions

However, marketing managers can use the following metrics to evaluate their campaign performance and make necessary tweaks to it.

  1. CTR
  2. CPC
  3. Conversion rate
  4. CPA
  5. Quality score
  6. Changes in keyword positions

How to Create a Monthly Report for Your Google Ads Campaign?

You can use DashClicks' InstaReports tool and get a monthly report. It will contain graphic illustrations, necessary metrics, and valuable data. It's full of insights and data, and you can use it for decision-making.

Here is what the InstaReports tool looks like -

DashClicks' InstaReports Tool

Source:Ā  What is InstaReports and How Do They Work? 3:16

DashClicks' InstaReports Google Ads Metrics

Source: What is InstaReports and How Do They Work? 4:16

For more details, watch this video.

Final Words

Google Ads comes with a vast array of metrics, and it's neither desirable nor feasible to track them all. You can pick the most relevant ones to follow your campaign's performance.

With the help of the above metrics and the DashClicks' Analytics tool, your agency can get the necessary insights. These insights will help you tweak and improve your bids, keywords, ads, and campaigns. The stunning automated reports generated by our reporting tool will help your clients understand the campaign and how long it will take to achieve their goals.

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