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How Your Agency Can Get More Reputation Management Clients

How Your Agency Can Get More Reputation Management Clients

Negative reviews & stories and unfortunate incidents about brands and products are the new normal in the business world. Such stories and reviews can be an instant turn-off for customers and prospects looking to buy products online. Poor reputation management can backfire on all your marketing efforts. Therefore, reputation management is even more crucial.

How Does Reputation Management Work for Clients?

Negative stories, comments, and reviews published online can tarnish your brand image. They may also negatively impact sales as visitors and prospects may change their purchase decision at the very last moment, especially at the bottom of the sales funnel. So, all your efforts and money spent on lead nurturing goes down the drain.

The objective of reputation management is to professionally respond to negative customer comments online and react to stories posted with the intent to paint your company in a bad light. It includes publishing a post on social media, writing and publishing an article, or releasing a public statement addressing the story's content.

It frequently happens as an image makeover exercise, especially after an unfortunate incident that might spoil someone's brand reputation.

Almost one-third of the reputation market comprises small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This article will also discuss how to discover, retain, and expand clients and get a pie of this lucrative market.

How to Get More Reputation Management Clients?

It's an opportunity your agency can grab, as the service complements other digital marketing services such as SEO and social media marketing. Here are some of the proven ways to get more reputation management clients.

1. Create a Landing Page for Reputation Management Services

First, you must create a landing page for reputation management services, as you can divert your leads and prospects to this page for conversion. A landing page should be specifically designed for conversion purposes, so it should be clutter-free and highlight your previous achievements.

You can add a small introductory video at the beginning of the page to inform the customers about the importance of reputation management and how you can help them by providing result-oriented reputation management services.

A few testimonials of your satisfied clients will be a plus.

How to Create a Landing Page

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2. First, Approach Your Existing Clients

As an agency, you must already have many satisfied customers, so the best strategy is to start with your existing clients. Many of them must actively be seeking reputation management services.

On average, it costs nearly five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. It will be easy for you to offer your services to your existing clients because all the factors, i.e., familiarity, confidence, and trust, will work in your favor. Some of them must already be availing of these services and might not be quite happy. Once they get to know about your professional ORM services, they will flock to you.

3. Approach Companies With a Damaged Reputation and Poor Reviews

Reputation management is a service you can provide to almost every client of yours, but still, it would be better if you find the customers who'll drive the most benefit. You can use sales intelligence tools such as UpLead, Datanyze, and Salesforce's Snapshot Report to identify such clients.

You can combine the insights from these tools and offer a free trial to the raw leads. This step alone would help you a lot in your effort to seize reputation management clients. When equipped with such crucial and useful information, businesses will form a positive image of your agency.

A free trial will convince them about the efficacy of your tools and tactics. It will help them realize that these are the kind of services they need and that you have expertise in them.

4. Use Email Drip Campaign

A drip campaign is a part of the sales funnel strategy comprising a series of automated emails. These emails are sent to your website visitors based on the specific action they took on your website. Their actions will also decide how many emails to send and their frequency.

Here's a flowchart to demonstrate how drip email campaigns work -

Drip Email Campaign Flowchart

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Drip marketing serves two purposes. On the one hand, it helps you keep in touch with your audience in a highly personalized manner, and simultaneously it keeps you top of mind by informing them about the special offers, dates, and events.

For example, you can use a drip marketing campaign for a prospect if they have:

  • Placed an order
  • Attended an event at your store
  • Attended a webinar
  • Signed up for a newsletter or subscribed to your YouTube channel
  • Download a report or eBook
  • Abandoned a shopping cart
  • Interacted with sales or customer service
  • Not placed an order for a while

Drip marketing can boost sales by turning casual visitors into buyers, encouraging repeat purchases, and turning a dormant audience into an active audience.

Single Drip Campaign Conversion Rate Over Time

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5. Use DashClicks Reputation Management App

DashClicks offers a reputation management app that helps you win more customers. This tool can efficiently manage your reviews across multiple sources from one dashboard and boost your reputation.

The reputation app allows you to compile your business reviews in a single dashboard. Effortlessly track your ratings and publish replies with one software tool.

This tool allows you to communicate with customers from every review source and leave replies without leaving the Reputation app.

DashClicks - Reputation Management Software

You can also track your average rating, best review sources, and peak performance months 24/7 with your reporting dashboard. Invite customers to leave business reviews by sending carefully designed emails and SMS messages with one button press.

Once you add reputation management to the list of the services you offer and approach a few existing clients, you'll be stunned by the positive response you get from your clients. You may soon utilize cold calling and other sales tactics and see that your clients list is growing beyond your expectations, and you may not have the resources to accept any more clients. In the meantime, our white-label reputation management tool will help your agency to scale.

Further Reading: How DashClicks Reputation Management Software Can Help You Protect Your Brand Online

6. Ramp up Cold Calling Campaigns

The easiest and the best way to boost your business is cold calling. But, you need to have a well-planned strategy for that. At DashClicks, we train agencies in the art of cold calling. We use InstaSites, our bulk website development tool, as a prospecting tool to push our services step-by-step.

To learn this technique, watch this video -

You can also read it in the blog format here -

How to Replicate the Prospecting Gold Mine

DashClicks provides you with enormous educational material to improve sales. Watch this video to learn how to close sales in four simple steps.

7. Try to Grab the Number #1 Slot

Last but not least, try to make your agency a reputation management leader. And it's possible with the right strategy and the best reputation management team to support you.

If cold calling seems difficult, you can watch this video to learn the secrets.

This article will also help you succeed as a digital agency -

Success Formula to Build a Profitable Agency From Scratch

A Sales Call Script to Sell Your Digital Products

Read this article for a complete sales call script -

How to Use InstaSites Software to Super Charge Your Sales

Final Words

With DashClicks behind you, you're ready to grab the #1 slot in this niche. With our reputation management software, you'll add happy clients swiftly and consistently. It will increase trust and brand value.

Are you ready to encash this hot new opportunity in the market?

Transform Your Agency Into a Reputation Management Market Leader
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