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How to Develop an Irresistible Offer Selling Websites That Takes Seconds to Create?

How to Develop an Irresistible Offer Selling Websites That Takes Seconds to Create?

Selling digital marketing and SEO services can be challenging for a newbie agency. Increasing competition, lack of trust, and price wars are some reasons. So, why don't you develop an irresistible offer that people can't reject so quickly?

Digital marketing starts with the creation of a professional website. Agencies should sell websites to their clients as part of their SEO and digital marketing package. Sometimes, the website's look, design, and user interface can be a game-changerāa good website matters when you start web-marketing your business. After all, things that are well begun are already half done.

This article will explain how you can instantly create a professional-grade niche-based website of 50-60 pages using the InstaSites tool and resell it for free to your prospects.

What is the "InstaSites" Tool?

A brilliant marketing idea is to create a content-ready website for prospecting purposes. When a client sees a pretty-looking yet professional website that can engage and convert visitors and has the potential to rank high on search engines, they are impressed. But creating professional websites in bulk for prospecting purposes is easier said than done. If you have the experience of getting a website designed by designers and developers, you must be familiar with the back and forth involved with the process. It involves multiple rejections and endless rounds of feedback to even get one website up and running.

DashClicks came up with a beautiful solution to this problem. We combined the power of software with strategy, and a lethal prospecting tool was born, namely InstaSites. With InstaSites, you can create multiple websites with a single click and show them to your prospects. All you need to do is choose a template based on your client's specific niche and enter the essential details. You can create multiple functional websites this way.

DashClicks' InstaSites App

DashClicks Platform is created explicitly for agency owners who want to scale their business. Apart from that, you can also use the platform to use important agency tools and client reporting tools, gain education, and access a single dashboard to monitor campaigns.

This article will explain how you can build and sell professional websites that can be created instantly and used for prospecting.

InstaSites was developed as an instant website creation tool almost three years ago. The idea was to create something that nobody has produced so far.

Creating an Irresistible Offer

Cold calling is the best way of prospecting, but are you doing the same thing everybody else is doing? Most agencies offer a free consultation, website analysis, and reporting, so what else are you bringing to the table? How can you win the deal if you don't differentiate yourselves from others?

How to Create a Website with InstaSites?

The tool's free version offers three insight belts per month and a single site builder. So, you can fill out the given form, and the software will create a professional website for you. It will remain in the tool's internal storage until you buy it and make it live.

You can choose from different templates meant for specific industries. We have dedicated web developers to develop these templates and content writers to add well-researched, quality content to them. If you select the insights plan, you can buy the website by paying a one-time fee of just $97 and a monthly fee of $25 for hosting. You also get access to the drag and drop platform. Once you do this, your client gets added to the dashboard automatically.

As far as conversion rate is concerned, SMS and email marketing both are effective, but SMS is far more effective as it has more chances of being seen.

DashClicks also allows you to send a link for the newly-created website to your clients through email or SMS, whichever is your preferred way of communication.

DashClicks' website builder "InstaSites" is different from the GoDaddy site-builder that most business owners use. It offers niche-based templates developed individually by our developers, so the websites don't look similar. It has relevant sections for each niche. For example, a residential painting website will include every single residential painting service such as roof painting, interior painting, and exterior painting docks, etc.

So, apart from access to the drag and drop web builder, your clients also get access to an actual dashboard, which is entirely white-labeled for your agency. Now, they can edit the site whenever they want. Along with that, your client also gets access to the CRM, where they will be able to review and get new leads.

How to Resell a Website Created with InstaSites?

The best way to sell digital marketing or SEO services is to create an irresistible offer. DashClicks has come up with a sales strategy for agencies that is ten times more effective than traditional sales strategies. In this, you resell a professional-grade website created with InstaSites for free and turn your prospects smoothly into your customers. Afterward, you can upsell your SEO and digital marketing services to your existing clients, which is more straightforward than selling your services to a stranger.

1. Making an Irresistible Offer

We have already explained how you can create a 50-60 page website using the InstaSites tool. The next step is to approach your prospects.

2. The Perfect Script for Your First Sales Call

How about approaching your clients saying,

"Hey! I have scanned your business and took the last couple of weeks to build a niche-based custom website as I felt that your current website was not serving the purpose. When you run paid ads, visitors come to your old website and may get turned off. My team and I have spent the last few weeks building a custom website designed specifically to attract and convert visitors to your business. I think you'd like it. Here is the quick link for you to view it. I can share the link via email, SMS, or instant messaging so that you can check it right away."

Your prospect is more likely to say "yes" if you approach them that way. Most people will be tempted to see how the new custom and responsive website looks. What's more, you've written the entire content, created graphics, and made a 40-50 page website for them. It sounds crazy, doesn't it? Why would someone do that and spend so much time and resources on it? That is, unless they're already serious about working with you!

This helps your prospects trust you from the get-go, and is one of the best ways to differentiate yourself from others. Now, think about taking it to the next level.

3. Take It to the Next Level and 10X Your Results

Build a call center, call your prospects, share the newly created website you've designed explicitly for them, and fix an appointment.

This approach breaks the barriers of cold calling in which the prospect has no idea who you are and why you have called them. It happens in the absence of the trust factor. It increases the rejection rate and makes sales one of the most challenging jobs in the world.

4. Building Trust

Notice the difference in approach here. You're not begging for someone's precious time or attention. Instead, you have already spent time on their website and business and worked hard to build trust. All they need to do now is simply take a look at the website. This way, you break that crucial barrier of trust and help the relationship grow further.

Imagine calling someone, offering them a product with immense value, something they can clearly see. And the best part, you don't ask for their credit card first.

Leverage DashClicks' Instant Website Builder-InstaSites

The Secret Formula to Get 100 Sales Appointments a Day

Do some simple math to check how practical this approach is. Let's consider you make about 100 or 150 calls a day. Out of these, only 50 answered the phone. Out of these 50 people, only 30% gave you an appointment. You will do good if you have just 15 confirmed appointments every single day. It can be a game-changer.

Now, if you have ten telemarketing executives in your call center, the total appointments booked per day can easily exceed 150. Even if these numbers fluctuate a bit, you'll end up getting at least 100 appointments every day.

How to Subscribe to InstaSites?

To subscribe to InstaSites, sign in to your DashClicks account and click on agency>>Main Menu>>Agency Tools>>Insights.

Now you'll reach the subscriptions page.

One option is to offer the website for free and then package it with other marketing services. DashClicks usually charges $4K-5K for a 50-page website.

Step By Step Formula to Sell Your Digital Marketing Services

Here are the steps to sell your digital marketing services, beginning from offering InstaSites.

  1. Create professional websites using InstaSites for your target audience, and then:
  2. Set up a call center
  3. Ask your sales rep to offer custom websites free of charge to your prospects
  4. Send preview links for the websites to the prospects
  5. After three days, call up again to know their feedback about the preview
  6. Ask their permission to activate the site if they are happy with the preview
  7. After one week, call them again to know their feedback on the website, and:
  8. Offer local listings on some major listing networks
  9. Get these services fulfilled through DashClicks’ white label fulfillment center
  10. After two weeks offer SEO or Google Ads services and get them fulfilled through DashClicks.
  11. After six weeks offer social media account management and posting services and get them fulfilled through DashClicks.

When you offer an InstaSite to a client, it’s not complete in all respects. You can assure the client that you will complete it and add the desired content since you’ve already built it.

You can also add that you can help them with the SEO and Google Ads for their business and drive traffic to their brand new website that you are offering them for free. “Do you think it would be cool?” Most people will respond in the affirmation.

One week after you have shared the link to their dream website, you can call them again, introduce yourself, and say that you had activated an excellent website for them a week ago; and that you just wanted to know if they liked the website. Add that you wanted some feedback for your team. You have worked hard on the design and got it up so fast, so it looks better than your prospect's existing website.

Furthermore, you're offering a 60-page website for just $200, whereas they usually pay around 4K dollars for such a website. That's awesome! You can say that since you are calling from the customer service department, you also took a look at the web marketing of your website, and you can help them a bit with traffic and online marketing as well.

You can inform them that they aren't receiving enough traffic. Your prospect's Google Maps listings are insufficient, and they are not posting on social media consistently. If they want to increase the traffic to their website, you can sign them in for an ongoing promotion, where you'll create 70 crucial local listings on some major listing networks for just $199. These listing networks include some fantastic networks such as Google Business listing and Yelp, etc. Tell them that you will send a list of networks after the call.

Pro Tip: Don't be too aggressive, especially in the beginning. Be strategic with your offerings, fees, and outreach.

People make the mistake of offering everything in the beginning for several thousand dollars and, as a result, lose most of the prospects. Offer value but most importantly, approach gradually and slowlyā in bits.

After three weeks, you can call again. We are assuming that they have already activated the website and availed of the local listing services at this stage. Ask them for their feedback so you can share it with your team. When you hear about the positive feedback for your exemplary services, you can move to the next level.

Congratulate your clients and wish them more success. Also, add that they are not consistently posting on their social media channels, and you can provide this service for a reasonable cost. Tell them that social media is an excellent source of leads and brand building, and they shouldn't ignore that. You can also inform them that their website is not ranking for the popular keywords in their niche and that you also provide quality SEO services to them. As you're running a promotion these days, they can get a decent discount on these services.

Again you can price your SEO services @$99 a month, and that's a promotional price. You'll not win the contracts frequently if you offer the combined services at $10K per month. Selling twenty websites at $199 per month is always better than selling one website for $10K a year. So, aim for volumes and add them in a sequence. Avoid overselling. Keep it realistic and repeatable.

If you charge $49 per month for a website and sell 20 such websites, your monthly earnings will be $980.

When you pay the fees for white-label dashboards, you consistently earn a handsome income. Moreover, you don't savagely charge thousands of dollars from a single customer. Besides that, you earn recurring revenue.

Furthermore, DashClicks doesn't charge any setup fee from the agencies, so you can keep that in your pocket.

When you sell SEO services, don't charge a setup fee of $99. Instead, set a reasonable price of $99 per month because you can justify that.

After two months, when your client's website starts ranking for specific keywords, you can offer your PPC services as well.

The idea is to offer a website to interest your prospects, and let DashClicks do all the hard work. It's that simple.

Sales Call Script for Call Center Executives

Here is a sample sales call script for your reference.

"Hey Sam, how are you doing? My name is XYZ. I'm calling from ABC digital marketing agency, and I would like to tell you that I was going through your website. I see that your website design is outdated, and it has content that is not optimized for search engines. As a result, the website is not performing well in Google. So, I discussed it with my web development team and built a brand new website for you. It may sound crazy since I'm making a random call, but we are passionate about working with you.

So, I took the time to find the critical issues with your website and created a professional-grade website relevant to your niche that contains optimized content to rank better on search engines. I'm looking for similar businesses in this area to work with as I have expertise in this niche. I would love to send you the link to the website specifically created for you. This link contains the preview. If you are interested, I can activate that for you. So, may I know your email address, or if you want, I can also send you the preview link via SMS.

I'll send you the link through an email and a text message, which will include my contact information at the bottom. All you need to do is fill out a form and enter your industry. So, would it be okay if I send you this link?ā€¯

If your prospect is busy and can't check their email right away, reschedule and call at some other time. Keep on sending notifications to remind them that you are willing to talk to them.


As an agency owner, you can access the InstaSites and DashClicks dashboard and start marketing your services today. It's a proven plan. Create and offer professional-grade websites for free. If the client likes it, tell them about the additional digital marketing services you provide. You can easily start getting more clients and make more money from your existing services this way.

The DashClicks dashboard also allows you to send custom emails for your outreach efforts. By doing all this, DashClicks makes your life easier as an agency owner. To know more about how InstaSites are built and marketed, click here.

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