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How to Become a Super Affiliate Using Just 3 Simple Hacks (Ep. 2)

How to Become a Super Affiliate Using Just 3 Simple Hacks (Ep. 2)

Welcome to the second episode of Whiteboard Wednesday.

In this episode, we will discuss the complete A-to-Z process to becoming a super affiliate and creating recurring revenue that lasts forever.

Using this method, you can earn money by promoting somebody else's product or service. So, you don't even need to create any product or service or set up a brick-and-mortar business.

All you need to do is develop a process to send traffic to the sellers' landing page with your affiliate code. We'll discuss the whole process from A-Z today and explain how you can sell someone else's products and services and make recurring revenue.

This article will benefit you even if you haven't ever tried affiliate marketing before.

We will explain it with DashClicks as an example. DashClicks offers an exciting affiliate program where you can send visitors to sign up for the platform. We at DashClicks track this information, and the marketers get paid for it as soon as the customers start purchasing DashClicks' products.

The Affiliate Model

Let's dive into what an affiliate model looks like.

The ultimate aim of this model is to send traffic to a sign-up page. If you do it right, you can easily earn thousands of dollars in commission every month.

The Affiliate Model

Source: Ep. 2 ā 04:21

You must have a strategy to ensure consistent income from affiliate marketing as most people start link spamming, which hardly works. DashClicks has Pro, Plus, and Premium plans for its customers. When somebody signs up and becomes a paid user, they must be paying $97, $297, or $597 a month respectively.

If they sign up using the affiliate link you share, you also get your affiliate commission every month without doing anything.

The Commission You Earn

DashClicks further divides its affiliate commission into three tiers. If you bring up to 19 users through your affiliate link, you get a 20% commission. From 20 to 39 users, you will get 30%, and if you bring more than 40 users, you will get a 40% commission. This is the best passive income you can earn for a lifetime.

Affiliate Commission Model

Source: Ep. 2 ā 12:09

All you need to do is generate traffic and use your affiliate link. In the case of DashClicks, your target audience comprises marketing agencies, digital marketing mentors and trainers, hosting providers, directory services, and SAAS companies. You need to send these people to DashClicks, and you'll get paid for that.

However, it is crucial to pick the right product because, as an affiliate marketer, your entire success depends on it. You must have a strong belief in your product, and you should be comfortable promoting it.

So, before you even start, let's know what DashClicks does.

What is DashClicks and How Does it Help You?

DashClicks is a platform meant only for a few people. So if you want to succeed, it is essential to understand what leads to failure.

Most people don't succeed at affiliate marketing because they don't have a robust strategy. Once they get an affiliate link, they post it everywhere on social media and send it to their friends and contacts.

This is a classic example of link spamming that doesn't yield any results. This way, you don't get serious customers, who will pay you every month.

However, those who do it right earn thousands of dollars every month.

In the case of DashClicks, the product is the agency software or the platform we sell, and the audience is primarily the agencies. The affiliate marketers are the connectors here.

DashClicks is a platform that helps you run your agency. It also allows you with prospecting. With the help of our InstaSites tool, you can instantly create fast-loading websites for your clients. InstaReports helps you to generate digital marketing reports.

Make Smarter Marketing Decisions with DashClicks

You can use both these tools for prospecting. Our CRM allows you to structure your sales organization and create things like deal automation etc.

DashClicks also offers a project management system known as Projects and a website builder that helps you create a professional-grade website to maximize conversion.

Finding a connector, therefore, becomes significant.

The connector addresses her audience and gives them a light bulb moment, so they may realize that they need DashClicks.

How to Find Connectors?

There are various ways to find connectors. We have people working inside DashClicks, who work as connectors, and many super affiliates promote DashClicks outside of our organization.

Many coaches and business consultants can become DashClicks' affiliate partners. They can create courses on successfully building and running a digital marketing agency and drop their affiliate link in the study material.

It also includes fulfilment work. You don't need to hire staff or go somewhere else to fulfill your clients' orders as DashClicks provides all agency solutions under one roof. All you need to do is to focus on marketing and managing clients. So, you can quickly become a solopreneur and run your business from your Home Office.

It adds value when you include such information in the course with their standard solutions.

We need a connector to connect the service provider or supplier and the prospective clients who can use those products or services to make their life easier. In this case, DashClicks is the supplier, and agencies are the prospects. Affiliate marketers will play the role of a connector here.

Become a coach or consultant. Teach people how to go out and scale a digital marketing agency. It helps you fill-up the pipeline and fill up your calendar.

The vehicle is InstaSites.

So when you offer a tool that can create a website in seconds, prospecting becomes a cakewalk, and you quickly start filling up your pipeline.

How to Find Connectors?

Source: Ep. 2 ā 18:18

Don't do link spamming. Create lead generation pages. The idea is to get recurring affiliate commissions.

To do the strategy, you can use this tool ā€” InstaSites.

Some affiliates are making hundreds of thousands of dollars. As an affiliate marketer, your success lies in winning clients who will continue to buy the product to ensure everlasting commission and monthly income.

Build a Sales Funnel Fast

To generate such quality leads, you need to create a sales funnel. You can share a downloadable pdf file with them to be used as a lead magnet. You can use it to collect visitors' email IDs.

The PDF may include handy topics for the agencies, so they may quickly get tempted to download it. The topics in the PDF file can be "25 innovative ways to scale your agency."

You can provide another link to sign up for the free tool to make this strategy work. As people move into the funnel, it creates a stock effect, making you a successful affiliate. As we disclosed above, many of our affiliates earn hundreds of dollars every month.

The best way to send consistent traffic is to use InstaSites. However, you need to educate your audience about this tool and explain how they can create their clients' websites in seconds.

It will help you close the deals quicker. Instead of a PDF tutorial or a cheat sheet, you can create a video. Your next challenge is to bring traffic to your web page or the course you developed as a mentor.

Build a Sales Funnel Fast

Source: Ep. 2 ā 25:36

When you drive traffic to the sales funnel, get the visitors to opt-in with their email. You can even charge a small amount, such as $97, for your mini-course.

People also use YouTube videos for this purpose. They create educational videos and upload them on YouTube, where you can get visitors daily. You can add your link in the description.

You can also promote your links through blog posts. Create instant websites and share them with your prospects to close deals faster.

Another creative idea is to create stunning 60 seconds videos for TikTok and share your affiliate link with it. You can use DashClicksā€™ InstaSites as your vehicle for this entire process. You can make your affiliate commission in the back end.

How DashClicks Speeds Up Your Conversion Rate?

DashClicks is the platform that allows you to automate onboardings, and that's completely hands-off. Once your clients sign up using your link, they also go through the indoctrination, education, and product tours.

So, the system speeds up conversions. Therefore, when someone signs up as a free user, they can build only three instant websites a month.

But, when they get used to this value-based prospecting approach and are constantly educated about the platform, they would like to go further than that and build a lot of instant sites for their agencies to maximize their clientele and revenue.

It helps when you attract agencies into your ecosystem first and make them used to the benefits of recurring revenue and an all automated approach. It creates winners, and it's highly successful in this field.

Many things help you in the digital marketing segment, such as blogs, YouTube videos, and laser-targeted ads. If you run ads for your course, it can work wonders.

Organic and Paid Approach for the Landing Pages

Source: Ep. 2 ā 32:30

However, if you look at it, you're not juggling with these many things. All you need is a source of traffic and drop a link. Everything else is automated.

So, here you need to run the ads to your landing page.

Affiliate Marketing Simplified

We are trying to simplify the entire procedure because people believe that affiliate marketing is challenging and doesn't work, etc.

However, if you drop links everywhere and expect people to sign up, it wouldn't work unless there is a connector or marketer in between.

The good news is various affiliate marketers are doing it successfully for DashClicks.

There are various Facebook and LinkedIn groups to find your audience, i.e., agencies. In these groups, people ask questions.

These questions are primarily about day-to-day issues agencies face. You can use the opportunities to suggest the solutions DashClicks platform offers to address such problems. There are many training videos on DashClicks' YouTube channel and blog, which you can recommend successfully running an agency.

Affiliate Marketing Simplified

Source: Ep. 2 ā 37:08

When you offer your affiliate link as a solution to their problem, they end up using the DashClicks dashboard and purchasing it. However, again, you need to be a little bit descriptive here.

For example, if someone asks about a sound CRM system, instead of just dropping your affiliate link, you can suggest that DashClicks is a great CRM system that they can use for free.

You can also add a "Loom" video to explain using it. It will prompt them to use the link to sign up because it is highly contextual. It will also ensure your affiliate commission.

Similarly, people look for white-label services, outsourcing Facebook ads or SEO fulfillment services, and you can instantly grab this opportunity to suggest the platform.

However, adding context is the key to success. The more convincing your comment is, the more likely the agencies are to use your link.

Similarly, the more groups you are active in and the more questions you answer, the more likely you will earn your affiliate commission.

So, use all sorts of strategies using a sales funnel and attracting traffic through creating YouTube videos, writing blogs, and making podcasts on specific issues faced by the agencies.

You can use blog comments, YouTube videos, and Facebook comments to divert organic traffic. And to attract paid traffic, you can run Facebook and Google ads.

The paid ads will take the visitor to the landing page.

Use instant websites and share them for prospecting. Use webinars and 30-minute videos to explain how agencies can use it to succeed.

At the bottom, add your link to take the visitor to the sign-up page of the DashClicks platform.

If your sign-up rate is 10%, you can multiply your ad budget to convert hundreds of customers. So, if you get a customer who signs up for the $297 package, you'll get a 40% commission per month, which would amount to about $120. If you get ten such customers, your assured monthly income would be $1200.

Boost Your Affiliate Income with DashClicks Affiliate Program

Final Words

With practice, you'll become even more proficient, and then you can run paid ads to scale the process.

The best part is that once the customer signs up, the process becomes utterly hands-off as the DashClicks ecosystem, including the fulfillment and support teams, takes care of it. All you need to do is to focus on traffic and conversions.

Just comment on ten people's posts on various forums such as Facebook, Reddit, and Quora, and you'll achieve your target.

All you need is to become a great and powerful connector and connect the agencies with the platform. Your success as an affiliate marketer is almost guaranteed.

So, to sum up, create one piece of content and repurpose it ten times, and share it everywhere. This is a powerful affiliate method you can try.

You can join DashClicks' Facebook groups and YouTube Channel for even more information.

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