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Social Media Challenges and How to Use Them as Opportunities

Social Media Challenges and How to Use Them as Opportunities

If you observe the present social media landscape, you will see how difficult it is for a brand to maintain a strong social presence. Owing to the ever-changing and ever-evolving nature of social media, marketers face different social media challenges from time to time. Overcoming these challenges is extremely important in order to move ahead of your competition and get noticed by your customers.

But how to tackle these challenges? A lot of marketers end up fretting over this, ignoring actual growth opportunities in the process. How about taking these challenges and turning them into advancements to grow your brand and further establish your name in the industry? In this post, we'll discuss how you can turn social media challenges into opportunities. These are surefire ways that will help you move forward in your industry, gain more customers, and generate business for your brand.

Without further ado, let's talk about social media challenges and how to turn them head on into opportunities.

1. Encouraging Organic Conversations About Your Brand

Today, a social media challenge you may be facing is ā increasing the number of customers talking about you or your brand.

Now, an effective way to get more and more customers to talk about your brand is to receive more positive comments from your targeted audience or customers on social media. This would encourage other potential customers to also check out your business and perhaps even leave a good word of mouth themselves.

How Social Reviews Increase Sales

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Here’s precisely what you should do to accomplish this:

  • Ask customers for a review.
  • Promptly reply to social media comments and mentions.
  • Share feedback from customers on social media. Don’t forget to take their permission before you do so, however.
  • Create posts that ask for your customers’ opinion.
  • Sponsor giveaways and contests.
  • Offer top-notch customer service.

2. Stagnant and Declining Engagement Rates

The majority of brands out there have gone through this – stagnant and falling engagement rates on their social media posts and pages.

Engagement numbers impact the visibility of your content on different social media channels. Hence, you need to keep a tight check on them.

In case you are currently facing this challenge, you can turn it into an opportunity to know more about social media marketing and your audience. Here’s what we recommend you do:

A. Check Your Existing Social Media Results

Evaluate your existing social media status. Understand what’s working for you and what’s not. Also, don’t forget to check your top-performing posts to know what’s getting you more engagement with your audience.

We also recommend that you search for connections between these:

  • Content types (Is video showing better performance than text?)
  • Content themes
  • Voice/tone
  • Post timing
  • Formatting

When you check your content’s performance across your social media accounts, you get to know about your audience and take steps to improve your strategy.

How Marketers Use Data

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B. Talk to Your Followers, Current Customers, and Online Communities

Yes, we know one of your objectives on social media is to gain new followers. But, you should also dedicate a major portion of your content marketing strategy and time talking with your followers, online communities, and current customers.

But how to speak directly to them? Here are some ways:

  • Create campaigns to receive more UGC (user-generated content).
  • Conduct quizzes and polls.
  • Always monitor and respond to comments and kudos from your audience.

C. Keep Track of Consumer and Industry Trends

Keep on checking the latest consumer and industry trends. When you do so, you eliminate guesswork and get to know exactly what your audience prefers to see in your posts.

D. Collaborate With Other Brands and Influencers

To boost engagement, you can opt for an effective way to increase your reach: Collaborating with other brands and influencers.

Tip: Find influencers with a follower demographic similar to your target audience. They should also have authority in your niche. You can use tools such as Buzzsumo, Followerwonk, and Buzzstream to find such influencers.

3. Measuring Social Media Marketing ROI

Another challenge that many brands face today is measuring and determining the ROI of their social media marketing efforts.

Why so?

Basically, certain goals are more abstract than others, which makes it difficult to measure them and prove ROI. An example of such a goal is “boosting brand awareness.”

Now, the question is ā How to overcome the challenge of measuring and proving ROI of your social media marketing efforts?

After all, you need to see some solid results in order to efficiently deploy your marketing budget and time on future marketing efforts.

The answer lies in determining which metrics to track to better measure and prove your ROI in future. For this, the below-mentioned metrics could come in handy:

A. Bounce Rate

Imagine this: One of your Facebook posts brought a lot of visitors to a web page of your site, but they left after a few seconds. The result of this? It increases your bounce rate.If you see that you have a high bounce rate, it indicates that your posts may not be relevant to the specific web page content they are leading consumers to. Ensure you use this information to produce your future posts accordingly.

B. Engagements

Tracking engagements such as saves, mentions, shares, and comments is important for the purpose of showing a gradual increase in your authority. It helps you track your performance and improve campaigns and posts in the future.

C. Referral Traffic

We recommend that you utilize UTM parameters and keep track of the amount of traffic coming from your chosen social media networks.All you need to do is embed these parameters in all the links in your social media accounts, individual posts, or campaigns. Take the help of Google Analytics and you are all set!

D. Return on Advertising Spend

If you are looking for a metric measuring the effectiveness of your digital advertising campaigns, then your search ends here. It's called Return on Advertising Spend. Track this metric to know what's working and what improvements to make to your social media advertising for upcoming campaigns.

Note: Use DashClicks' Analytics app to monitor and report on all your marketing campaigns in a single place. The best part about using the software is that you can integrate all your third party marketing and analytics integrations with it from an ever-increasing list. You can also view granular data insights from your dedicated dashboard.

4. Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice

Your brand voice a unique tone of communication that you adopt at an earlier stage of marketing must reflect in every content piece you produce. Otherwise, it can negatively impact your engagement.

Today, maintaining a consistent brand voice is yet another challenge a lot of brands face. Businesses often face this challenge because of a lack of long-term content planning.

Now, the question is, how to convert this challenge into an opportunity? How can you eventually overcome it?

We suggest that you craft a brand guide that details your tone, do's and don'ts, language usage, causes you stand for, etc.

Tip: As your brand voice sets your brand's personality, it's important to keep it impactful and relevant.

Benefit of Brand Consistency

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5. Time Lost Due to Managing More Than One Social Network

From interacting with followers and strategizing over post ideas to cross posting and juggling content deadlines, there are plenty of tasks involved in managing different social platforms.

As a result of all of these tasks, productivity and time management can suffer. If you notice that you are facing this challenge, check to see if you can do without one or two social media platforms. This will also work as the perfect opportunity to streamline your social media marketing plan.

Here's what we recommend you do when faced with this challenge:

A. Conduct an Analysis of Each Platform

Check which social media platforms perform the best for your business. For this, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which social media channels align more with your voice, goals, vision or brand image?
  • On which social platforms do you see growth occurring for your brand?
  • Where are the most meaningful engagements happening?
  • Which social media platforms do your targeted audience frequent the most?

Finding answers to this question will help you know if you can stop using one or two platforms that aren't benefiting you in any way.

B. Hire White Label Social Media Services

If you are a digital marketing agency that's currently struggling with social media management for your clients, you can think about outsourcing. We recommend you hire reliable white label social media services from a reputed agency such as DashClicks. These services help you, the agency owner, leverage different social media platforms to increase social engagement for your clients.

Wrapping It Up

Since the beginning of social media marketing and advertising, marketers have come across many challenges that either make or break their marketing efforts. The fact is, social media challenges will always come up in one form or another. So, whenever your brand is faced with these challenges, you should look at them in a positive light. What we mean is, think of them as opportunities to improve your strategy, steer ahead of your competition, and boost sales.

For instance, if you face the challenge of declining engagement rates, then look at it as an opportunity to speak to your followers, online communities, and current customers to determine what they want. Or, if you face the challenge of time loss due to managing more than one social network, check which social platform you should pay the most attention to and direct all your efforts towards it.

In all, ensure you implement the pointers we discussed above to effectively interact and engage with your audience on social media and build your brand. Good luck!

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