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Why You Should Add Social Media Approval to Your Agency's Workflow

Why You Should Add Social Media Approval to Your Agency's Workflow

Running a digital marketing agency can be a challenging task. It requires immense effort and precision to ensure campaigns are launching on time, without any hiccups. As an agency owner, you must take every step possible to reduce the risk of errors while ensuring your workflow remains efficient.

One way to do this is by incorporating social media approval into your process. In this blog post, we'll explore why adding social media approval is critical for reducing potential risks in your digital campaign launch process and how it can help optimize efficiency when creating content and deploying successful campaigns.

What Is Social Media Approval, and Why Is It Important?

Social media approval involves having a third party review and approve the content before publication. It's a critical part of an agency's workflow as it helps reduce potential risks associated with launching digital campaigns, such as misunderstanding client objectives or targeting the wrong audience.

Having someone else review the content ahead of time mitigates the risk of making costly mistakes that could have been avoided with a thorough review.

Adding social media approval to your agency workflow offers many benefits, such as improved content quality and accuracy, reduced campaign risks, and increased efficiency. We look at each of these below.

1. Improved Content Quality and Accuracy

By having a third-party review your content before it goes out, you can ensure that your digital campaigns are on-brand, accurate, and up to client standards. It helps protect both the agency’s reputation and the client’s ensuring that campaigns are successful and effective.

2. Reduced Risk

Adding social media approval to your agency workflow can help reduce the risks of launching digital campaigns, such as missing a key objective or targeting an inappropriate audience. Having another person review the content ahead of time minimizes the potential for avoidable mistakes down the line.

3. Increased Efficiency

Social media approval allows the agency to make changes or take corrective action well in time helping agencies launch campaigns on schedule without any major issues. It can help optimize efficiency and save time and money in the long run.

Breakdown of the Social Media Approval Process

Social media approval is an important step in the digital marketing strategy. It ensures that all content posted on social media accounts meets brand guidelines and company policies.

At its core, the social media approval process is a way to ensure that content created by an organization or individual adheres to all regulations.

  • The process begins with the actual creation of content; a team of qualified individuals or an agency may create new posts, images, videos, and other content for various platforms.
  • Once the initial draft is completed, stakeholders and experts assess whether the content complies with brand guidelines and company policies. Depending on their specific needs, organizations may also include input from influencers or other industry professionals at this stage to ensure accuracy and quality assurance.
  • After all adjustments have been made as per feedback from stakeholders, the content moves onto the final step: approval by a designated individual or group within the organization.
  • This person/group will have the final say over whether the content can be published across all appropriate channels including any legal requirements that must be met before it can go live.
7 Step Social Media Approval Process

In short, the social media approval process ensures that all branding remains consistent across multiple channels while adhering to internal and external regulations. By having a clearly outlined set of steps in place for approving digital marketing material, organizations can seamlessly integrate their message into existing campaigns, leading to greater engagement and reach.

Potential Risks Reduced by Utilizing Social Media Approval

Social media approval is a powerful tool for reducing risk in organizations. With more and more organizations using social media outlets to interact with customers, there is an increased risk of negative feedback or criticism. These can spread quickly and damage a company's reputation if not managed properly. Social media approval helps ensure that all content on a brand's social media channels resonates with its core values and adds value to its customers.

It is especially important in highly regulated industries such as finance and healthcare, which cannot afford any missteps when interacting with clients online.

Social media approval also helps protect against cyberattacks by ensuring posts are scanned for malicious links before they go live. Utilizing social media approval is an effective way for organizations to minimize the potential risks associated with online interactions and ensure the cyber safety of their marketing materials.

Why Your Brand Should Have A Social Media Approval Workflow

Image Source: Statusbrew

How Social Media Approval Can Help Optimize Efficiency?

Social media approval can be a great tool to improve efficiency, both in the business world and in everyday life. Adding social media approval to your agency workflow can help optimize your efficiency in several ways.

First, it allows for a more thorough review of content before launch. It helps ensure that campaigns are accurate, on-brand, and consistent with client objectives. It also reduces the chances of mistakes and errors.

Additionally, social media approval can help streamline creating and launching of campaigns. Having a designated individual or group review content ahead of time allows for more accurate content and helps reduce turnaround times and minimize delays in launching successful campaigns.

Incorporating social media approval into your agency workflow can be a great way to ensure that your digital campaigns are on-brand, accurate, and successful. Having a third party review your social media content can help optimize efficiency when creating content and launching successful campaigns.

8 Things You Need for an Effective Social Media Approval Process

Image source - HootSuite

Ultimately, social media approval is an essential part of any agency's workflow so don't forget to add it in when looking to make the most of your digital marketing efforts.

Tips for Successfully Integrating Social Media Approval Into Your Digital Campaigns

Integrating social media approval into digital campaigns can create trust, loyalty, and engagement with potential customers. Social proof is the idea that people are generally more likely to purchase products and services others have recommended. Marketers can create stronger relationships with their audience and increase conversions by utilizing social media approval in their workflow.

When integrating social media approval into your digital campaigns, it's important to use these platforms strategically. For example, if you're highlighting customer reviews or testimonials on your website or blog, consider posting them on social media. It will help amplify the message and reach a wider audience while also providing evidence of the quality of your product or service.

Here is an example of Dribbble's Testimonial Page -

Dribbble's Testimonial Page

Another useful tactic is to include influencers in your campaigns by allowing them to review or provide feedback on your product or service. It will give customers an unbiased opinion from a trusted voice in their community who they can rely on when deciding what to buy.

Additionally, using hashtags with customer reviews and testimonials allows potential customers to easily find more information about your products and services and builds trust in the brand.

Social media approval should also be incorporated into other types of digital campaigns, such as email marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).

In email marketing, consider adding customer reviews to the bottom of emails to encourage readers to take action after reading the content and increase the campaign's conversion rate.

For SEO, including keywords related to customer reviews in headlines and body copy has been proven to increase visibility online and draw more attention from potential customers.

Common Roadblocks to Implementing a Social Media Approval Process and How to Overcome Them?

When implementing a social media approval process, a few roadblocks can often prevent the process from moving forward. These roadblocks may be related to organizational structure, security, compliance, resources, or other issues. To successfully implement a social media approval process, it is important to understand these common roadblocks and how to overcome them.

Organizational structure challenges include multiple departments responsible for different aspects of social media management. Without proper coordination, misunderstandings or lack of communication can lead to delays or confusion when trying to approve posts. To overcome this roadblock, leaders in each department need to communicate expectations and deadlines for approving posts and designate who has final authority on post approvals.

Security and compliance are other obstacles when implementing an approval process for social media content. Depending on their industry, organizations must be aware of any regulations that could affect their content, such as data privacy laws or advertising regulations.

To ensure compliance when creating content, organizations should develop policies that specify what types of content are acceptable and not allowed under any circumstance and provide regular training sessions on these policies, so everyone understands them.

Content Creation Compliance

Image Source: GatherContent

Additionally, organizations should have systems that enable them to control their accounts' security settings, such as two-factor authentication, access revocation processes if someone leaves the organization, etc.

Finally, resource availability is another issue when implementing an approval process. Social media teams often have limited resources due to budget constraints, so they must prioritize tasks to ensure everything gets done timely and accurately.

To overcome this issue, organizations should invest in tools that streamline the workflow by helping automate manual tasks such as scheduling posts or managing comments/replies, so that team members can focus their time on higher-value activities like engaging with customers directly or creating new content ideas.

By understanding the process and benefits of social media approval, you can better integrate this tool into your digital marketing strategy to drive tangible results. Check out our blog post on creating a winning social media proposal for clients.

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