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How to Replicate The Prospecting Gold Mine (Ep. 1)

How to Replicate The Prospecting Gold Mine (Ep. 1)

Welcome to our first episode of Whiteboard Wednesday.

Chad Kodary, the CEO of DashClicks, a prominent white-label agency, has extensive experience running a successful digital marketing agency business. He has effectively turned a small startup into a transnational white-label services company that has served thousands of clients so far.

During this time, he explored the ways to escape the daily grind and constant struggle agency owners go through to survive and grow.

To address this problem, he decided to use these insights and launched a SAAS-based agency platform that automates everything and saves time and hassle for the agency owners. Meanwhile, it allows you to focus on the most crucial jobs, i.e., prospecting, marketing, building a sales pipeline, and nurturing leads.

Think Outside of the Box

Marketing and sales are constantly evolving. Strategies that were a massive hit a few years ago can become unpopular and useless faster than you can expect. Tactics like the “free consultation” or the “I’m the best marketer spiel” are no more perceived as magic bullets. It’s crucial to think outside the box to ensure success in this highly competitive industry.

After serving thousands of clients across the globe, he developed a tried and tested magic formula for prospecting. This formula not only provides value but also creates awareness about your agency. According to him, these small wins can be the stepping stone to grabbing long-term accounts that are much bigger.

What’s Whiteboard Wednesday All About?

Through Whiteboard Wednesday, Chad wants to share what he has learned within his agency, including successes, failures, and the high-level moments ‌he has had.

The objectives of the Whiteboard Wednesday Tutorials are as follows:

  1. Inspire agency owners to replicate our success
  2. Share strategies and tactics that agency owners can use for their agencies
  3. Help agency owners increase revenue, build better processes, build a team and do better fulfillment
  4. Get a better prospecting method to ensure getting more new clients every month
  5. Create efficient and sustainable processes to add and maintain clients

It’s a game-changer since hardly anyone would be practicing it yet. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the step-by-step formula to build a sales pipeline faster and with more certainty.

How to Replicate the Prospecting Goldmine?

To make money from your digital marketing business, you should have an irresistible sales plan. You wouldn’t want to be the 50th person calling a company that you’re a digital marketing agency, and you would like to offer a free consultation or something like that. It doesn’t work anymore! And that’s probably the reason ‌new agencies struggle to find new clients.

First of all, you must have a need-based product, and you should not think about the kill every time. You can offer website building services as an integral part of your sales plan.

Here’s the step-by-step formula to do that:

  1. Download the lists of your prospects
  2. Conversion #1: Pitch a front-end offer
    A. Start cold-calling using an irresistible offer — A free website
  3. Share with them the pre-built website & bring the prospect into the sales funnel
  4. Give a demo of the website created with our InstaSites tool and activate it if the customer likes it
  5. Conversion #2: Make the Back-End Offer
    Sell your website for an upfront setup fee and a fixed monthly fee
  6. Conversion #3: Sell directory listing and other SEO services with a recurring fee

The ultimate aim should be to add as many people to their marketing bucket as possible.

Preparing The Prospecting Gold Mine

Source: Ep.1 - 33:37

Most agencies fail because they are too focused on generating traffic and probably not aware of what conversion steps #1, #2, and #3 are all about and why this process works. So, we will delve into the details now.

How to Download the Lists of Your Prospects?

You can easily download the list of your prospects using

Preparing the Prospecting List

Source: Ep. 1 - 12:05

To generate traffic, you can use:

  1. Phone Calls
  2. Facebook Group
  3. Email marketing
  4. Walk-ins
  5. Webinars and conferences

Lead Carrot is a tool that allows you to download the lists of the prospects according to your search criteria, such as the nature of business and location, etc. It crawls the web and provides you with the prospects' phone numbers, emails, Google My Business information, and their social media handles.

About Lead Carrot

For example, if you are targeting roofers or painters in your area, you can download a list of 5000 painters along with their phone numbers. After that, you can cold call and pitch for your free website offer.

1. Start Cold-Calling Using an Irresistible Offer

A website is a product every business needs. So, you can offer a free custom-made website to your prospects. Furthermore, you can scale it further to upsell other agency products such as directory listings, SEO, etc.

DashClicks developed a tool known as InstaSites that helps you create a professional niche-based website on the fly. This tool is a game-changer for the agencies. The tool offers you more than 200 niche-based website templates that you can choose from. All you need to do is fill up a form and hit the submit button. The tool automatically injects the content and other vital information from the form into the website to help you build the website on the spot.

Create a Custom Website in Seconds with InstaSites!

2. Pitch a Front-End Offer “ A Free Website

Usually, agencies would charge 5K dollars to build such a website, but since you want to make it an irresistible offer, you can charge just $97 as a one-time setup fee and just $49 per month as recurring charges. Most agencies fail because they tend to focus on the kill but forget about the relationship-building part that improves their prospects.

It makes it an irresistible offer since the website you offer is much better than their current website, and you offer it at a fraction of what they will pay for a similar website. It will help you quickly fill up your clients' bucket. It's much easier to sell an affordable product than an expensive high-value product.

It moves the customer into your SALES FUNNEL, which means they enter your world, so you can easily talk to them, build long-term relationships, and upsell other products.

A. Use a Hook

It would help if you had a" hook" to sell. Most agencies struggle with their sales process as they don't have an irresistible offer or the hook that can instantly attract prospects. Using a "hook" is highly crucial to succeed as an agency. It's an initial idea that sweeps people off their feet. The free website can be used as a hook in the present scenario.

B. Make a Sales Pitch

Here is an example of a good sales pitch:

"Hey, what's goin' on? This is Chad calling from Social Agency. I just wanted to give you a heads up that we are calling all the roofers and painters in our local area. We went ahead and built out a free website for your business. So, I would love to send you a preview of what our website looks like. I can send it to you in an email or a text message. Which one do you prefer?"

C. Prepare for Rebuttals

Our experience tells us that rebuttals are natural, and some of the most common rebuttals are as follows:

Rebuttal #1: Sorry, I already have a website. I'm good.

You can quickly answer this rebuttal in this way. "Hey, that's cool that you already have a website, but I built you a website that looks ten times better, and it's free. I would love it if you took a look at it. There are no hard feelings if you don't want it."

Rebuttal #2: I'm not interested right now.

Here is the perfect response:

"Yeah, but the website is already built. Our team went out and built the whole website for you. And it took us a lot of time to do that. We would love to show it to you. We will send you a link. You can check it out, and if you don't like it, no hard feelings. If you do like it, it's free, and we will activate it for you."

After that, the customer will most likely drop their defenses and agree to check the website you've built for them using the InstaSites tool.

You may have a question here. Why are we repeatedly using the word "free website" when not?

The pre-built website is free for the customers to take a look at. It doesn't cost you a single penny to build this website. It's professionally built for conversion and engagement. But, if the customer likes it and gets it activated, they will be charged a one-time activation and setup fee of $197 and $49 per month for maintenance.

Why It Works

This tactic has a high success rate because, ultimately, the customer doesn't lose anything. They get a quality product at a much lower price. Agencies would typically charge around 3K to 5K dollars for a similar 30-page website.

The customer will most likely provide you with their email address and contact details and agree to look at the website at the end of this conversation. However, you need not hang up your phone and instead schedule a demo just after the prospect agrees to take a look.

Book a Demo

You need to inform the customer that the demo will be over a 20-minute Zoom call with the activation experts, who will review the website.

They will answer customers' queries, review the pages, and if the customer likes it, they will activate the website on the call. Such instant activation aims to ensure a smooth transition from a review call to booking. It will ensure that you regularly collect a revenue of $197 + $49 per month in the following months.

If you go by this method, your calendars will be booked for many weeks to come.

Using the "Stacking" Tactics to Your Advantage

You can stack up different elements to make your demo a success. For example, you can stack these offers.

The website comes with:

  1. SSL Certificate
  2. Hosting
  3. Drag & drop website builder
  4. Dashboard (DashClicks sub-account)
  5. CRM
  6. Marketing Automation (Inside DashClicks Dashboard)

Make this offer sound better and irresistible.

Before you take their credit card details, make your offer even more convincing.

Your website comes with:

  1. 30 relevant pages with all the necessary information
  2. All the content
  3. Royalty-free stock images
  4. Pre-SEO
  5. Fully responsive interface

Customers must be aware of the market price of a website of such a size and caliber, which is around $3K to $5K.

Now, the customer has two options—they can pay $3000 for this website in the market or get an offer from you and pay just $197 plus $49 towards the first month’s payment. Most people would want to go with the second option.

You can tell them that the total upfront fee of $250 to be charged in the first month is the setup and activation fee, and the recurring fee of $49 per month is for the SSL certificate, website builder, hosting, etc.

Book a Demo with Prospects

Source: Ep. 1 - 47:55

With this, the imaginary customer "Bobby the painter" gets inside your bucket. Now, you can sell additional equally essential products for a website owner.

Conversion #2: Make the Back-End Offer

You can set up or use call center services to step into this stage. Here is the secret recipe to enter into this stage.

Wait for seven days after website activation. Now that the website is activated, the owner, "Bobby the painter," is happy. You are now Bobby's go-to guy for any technical issue he faces with the website.

After exact seven days, you can call up Bobby using the following script:

"Hey Bobby, what's going on? I'm Chad from Social Agency, and I'm super excited to tell you that your website is up and running. How did you like the website? Do you have any questions for me? I just called you up to know if you need any support for your website?"

At the end of the call, you can add this:

"Hey, by the way, Bobby, before we hang up today, I'm looking at your website, and it's so awesome. We are running a crazy promotion today. I would love to increase traffic on your website to boost revenue for your business. We are running a listing manager program.

So, we will list your website on 70+ directories, including the most prominent ones such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yelp, and many other directory networks. It will boost your website's online visibility and backlink profile. As part of this promotion, directory listing services are available for just $99 per month. It's on sale for today only. The setup fee is $49 only."

The last sentence uses a slight pressure point.

This is conversion #2.

On average, your customers are likely to continue your website package for seven years.

Rising the Value Ladder

You can continue adding at least one person to your bucket almost every day, and you can make a lot of money. You can repeat the same procedure discussed above, download a list, cold call every person on it, offer them a free website, and book a demo.

As a recurring fee, you're now getting $49 per month for directory listing services and $99 per month for website hosting and web builder. So, on average, you'll get $150 per month from every customer added to your bucket.

You cannot add customers to your bucket and climb up the value ladder if you offer standard services such as SEO or PPC.

If you can successfully use this value ladder, just a single customer would pay you $150 per month for the next five years, and you will not have to do anything to get this money.

Final Words

It is a tried and tested procedure, and we at DashClicks have been practicing it for the past several years. All we know is that it works methodically. We are also supported by a call center for the past two-three years.

Here is a strong message for all the agency owners.


To succeed with this strategy, you should also change your mindset. Most people will try it for one week, and if it doesn't work, they will quit. According to Mr. Kodary, "75% of people are likely to fail in this strategy because they have the wrong mindset." To succeed, you must have the right mindset and practice perseverance. Dashclicks' InstaSites tool is the primary driver of this strategy.

You can use DashClicks CRM to build a sales pipeline and schedule appointments. Automate your deals using the Deals app and start filling up your bucket. Deal automation will also help you in a huge way while adding clients. It automates your repetitive tasks and saves you a lot of time and hassle.

Manage Your Sales Pipeline with DashClicks Deals App
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