Welcome to the third episode of Whiteboard Wednesday.
In this episode, Chad Kodary discusses how to multiply a piece of content and increase your footprint on the web to get high-value inbound leads.

The best part is that you won't have to run any paid ads to accomplish this. It's completely organic and will last forever.
Content creation is expensive, but this strategy will save you both time and money by multiplying your content's volume and reach.
How to Create Massive Content Every Week?
In this episode, you will learn how to create one video and redistribute it into 11 different pieces of content to almost flood the web. It will help you build a multimillion-dollar sales pipeline with a limited content supply.
A. Create Informative and Detailed Webinar Videos
Go to DashClicks' YouTube channel, and you'll find different playlists. If you go to the webinars section, you will find various webinars under the Marketers Mindset Webinars section.
These are long webinars with an average length of about 1.5 to two hours.

According to Chad, long webinars are created purposely so that he can segment them into different subtopics and highlights. For the videos that contain only the highlights, we have the Marketers' Mindset highlight section in the YouTube channel.
B. Split Long Videos Into Short Snippets
So you can create five or 10-minute snippets of a long video to help people consume it quickly. These scoops have become highly popular, thanks to emerging short video sites such as TikTok.
After creating ten short videos, you now have 11 videos, including the lengthy video that you used to create these short videos. Redistribute these videos on different channels where your audience can easily find them.

A short video ( length 5:22 minutes) from DashClicks
You need to organize them and design attractive thumbnails for each to highlight the subtopic they are made on. Also, add catchy titles to make them appealing.
C. Convert These Videos Into Blog Posts
Now that we have 11 videos to redistribute on different channels and increase their reach, we can convert these videos into 11 blog posts.
Here's how you can do that:
- Go to rev.com.

- Upload your video file.
- Get a downloadable transcript.
- Edit the video transcript, add even more facts to make it more interesting.
- Embed the original video in the blog post with a summary.
Note: You can add the summary in a paragraph text format so that the search engines can track it.
Rev.com is quite affordable, and you can transcribe your whole video in just a few dollars.
D. Convert These Blog Posts Into Numerous Social Media Posts
It's another effective way to multiply the reach of your content. You can use Sendible or HootSuite to schedule your posts. So, now you have a minimum of 11 social media posts that you can share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

YouTube video turned into a Twitter post
DashClicks has many groups on Facebook, and we usually share these posts on the Marketers Mindset Facebook group and the Chad Kodary Facebook Business page. You can also create Instagram videos using these short video clips.

Throughout this, notice that the need to create informational content is only once. Post that, you can simply repurpose and redistribute it dozens of times.
Put a little more effort into creating quality content that resolves your audience's issues. Webinar videos are highly effective to this end. You can invest one to two hours every week in producing such videos.
Then simply take the original video clip, chop it into several meaningful short videos, and transcribe them on rev.com.
This way, you'll have enough content to share and post on different channels, including social media. You can schedule these content pieces on social channels for other time slots as well. This method will also give you six to seven quality blog posts to publish on your website.

When you start pushing out massive content every week like this, people will start finding you. You'll start getting subscribers, and your top-of-the-funnel marketing will take off from here.
How to Send Consistent Traffic to Your Website?
When you start building a fan following, you'll be able to send consistent traffic to your website and blog. And if your YouTube videos are embedded in your blog posts, you can also divert the traffic to your YouTube channel. So, it will create a domino effect.

Final Words
Content repurposing isn't a new practice. It has been prevalent since the dawn of content marketing. You can slice any long-form content into easily digestible content chunks and convert it into several other forms. It will multiply its reach and impact, and ultimately reduce the time and cost of creating bucket-loads of content every week. It's also the best strategy to create a regular influx of content that will help you at every sales funnel stage, from lead nurturing to conversion.