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How to Create Remarketing Campaigns on Facebook That Convert Like Crazy (Ep. 9)

How to Create Remarketing Campaigns on Facebook That Convert Like Crazy (Ep. 9)

Welcome to episode nine of Whiteboard Wednesday. In this episode, Chad Kodary, CEO of DashClicks, discusses creating Remarketing campaigns on Facebook for increased conversions.

We discussed real-life experiences in our Whiteboard Wednesday sessions from its first episode, as we don't believe in boring theoretical stuff that adds no value.

Our company DashClicks helps you scale your business and get more leads. In this session of Whiteboard Wednesday, we will share some tips and tricks to run better Facebook remarketing campaigns to drive better conversions and bring your cost per conversion down.

Before running remarketing ads on Facebook, it provides you with a code known as Pixel. You need to install that code on your website, usually in the header or the footer. Installing Pixel also sets up conversion tracking.

Conversion Tracking

I’ll try to explain conversion tracking with an example. Suppose you create a webinar opt-in funnel for a landing page with the help of a “two-step opt-in”. In your first step, you have a form. When somebody fills out a form and clicks “continue,” a thank you page pops up which is considered an event for tracking.

The next event you create is the lead event, named so because it triggers a conversion event in your Facebook Ads account. Suppose we are sending a lot of traffic through the webinar registration page and other tactics to our website.

If we receive 100 visitors on our landing page, only ten are expected to make it to the “thank you” page the first time. Meaning, only 10% of people actually filled out the form on their first visit.

Now, what to do with this 90% of people? We create a bucket in the Facebook Ads manager – called the remarketing bucket – and put them all into it.

Create a Remarketing Bucket

Source: Ep. 9 ā 04:08

In other words, we set up an audience in the Facebook ads manager which tells Facebook that these are the people who visited our website but didn't take any action, and we want to retarget them now.

After that, we create an ad set in our campaign and target this audience using that ad set. We can retarget people for up to 180 days.

As discussed above, 90 out of 100 visitors will not convert on the first visit, so we will target those 90 visitors every day for the next 180 days. Facebook keeps replenishing this list, which is a fantastic FB ads feature.

Create Multiple Ads for Different Needs

We can make an ad group composed of the specific people we want to target with some actual ads for our remarketing campaign. Apart from that, we create multiple ads where the magic happens. Most people do it wrong by making just one ad and running it repeatedly. The key is in variety.

Create Multiple Ads for Different Needs

Source: Ep. 9 ā 07:39

You must know that this bucket comprises a tiny saturated group of people. So, when the frequency of ads increases, people may not like to watch them. Usually, you can show an ad up to seven times a week. More than that could be too much and may decrease your conversion rate.

At DashClicks, we try to keep the frequency below seven. It would be best to consider the frequency on the ad level and not on the group level. The idea is to show a new ad every time so that you can create multiple ads for the same bucket.

Try Different Ad Formats and Ad Copy Combinations

You can create an ad in various formats such as image, video, or carousel. To keep your messaging different, you can experiment with different forms, variations, and copies.

Experimenting with a variety of messaging has some considerable advantages. At DashClicks, the visitors might be interested in different things such as white label fulfillment or software, etc. So, we run multiple ads where an image-based ad may talk about software, and other ads can highlight white label fulfillment services. Similarly, we can create video and carousel ads for different audience groups and services.

Pro Tip: Keep your messaging different. You can try different ad variations to achieve this. Experiment with different types of ads such as image, video, and carousel ads with different ad copies to keep people from getting bored and annoyed.

So, if someone visits your webpage and leaves it without taking action, such as filling out an opt-in form or making a purchase, you can retarget them using remarketing ads. Wherein the next time they sign in to their Facebook account, Facebook will show them your ad as a reminder.

If you keep reworking the ad strategy and targeting them with 10-12 different ads with different messages, it will have a greater impact than flashing only 2-3 ads with limited messaging.

Pro Tip: Every ad should have a different reason for the users to buy your products and services.

For example, at DashClicks, our ads may convey why users should sign up to our dashboard and get their free account.

It will decrease your lead generation cost, i.e., cost per lead. Our cost per lead floats around $15, which is good.

Grow Faster & Achieve More With Our Facebook Ads Services

People come to our website for different reasons, and one of these ads is likely to address their needs. That's the reason why you should create excellent remarketing ads.

Pro Tip: Create an ad group and run multiple ads with different product/service benefits and messaging. It will ensure success with your remarketing ad campaigns.

With this, we sign off on today's Whiteboard Wednesday session. I hope our sessions are adding value and helping you in becoming a successful digital marketing agency.

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See you in the next session of Whiteboard Wednesday. Have a fantastic day!

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